There’s Nothing More Tribalistic than War
As the Russia-Ukraine conflict continues to unfold, the rhetoric surrounding the war seems to get stronger by the day. Just when you think the politicians have exhausted their supply of condemnations, they come back with more for our consumption. The remarks are, in many cases, deserved. Putin’s actions are deeply immoral, and they ought to […]
Parents are Terrorists (At Least, According to the FBI…)
Have you attended any testy school board meetings in the last few months? If so, the FBI may have its eyes on you, according to new whistleblower documents attained by Congress this week. According to a memo sent to FBI personnel, the agency created a digital system to track parents that could be “threats” to local school […]
183. Was Ron Paul Right? Part II
In Part II of this two-part episode, Emma and Brittany discuss President Biden’s decision to pull US troops out of Afghanistan, why this has been such a big deal, and how the entire situation shows that, once again, Ron Paul was right about foreign policy all along. Links: What If Speech Ron Paul – Rudy […]
182. Was Ron Paul Right? Part I
In Part I of this two-part episode, Emma and Brittany discuss President Biden’s decision to pull US troops out of Afghanistan, why this has been such a big deal, and how the entire situation shows that, once again, Ron Paul was right about foreign policy all along. Links: What If Speech Ron Paul – Rudy […]
Ron Paul Was Right… Again.
It’s not easy to watch the tragedy unfolding in Afghanistan this week. With the Taliban claiming control of Kabul, stripping Afghan citizens of their most basic rights, and putting thousands of American diplomats and citizens in harm’s way, it’s hard to resist the urge to want to do something to fix this. After all, the […]
51. Ron Paul
Former congressman Dr. Ron Paul joins Connor and Brittany today to talk about liberty for the next generation, his time in Congress, and what we can all do to spread the freedom philosophy. Links: Ron Paul Homeschool Curriculum Albert Jay Nock, The Remnant Ron Paul gets booed during South Carolina debate in 2012 Books: Books […]
40. Who Is Ron Paul?
Congressman Dr. Ron Paul took the 2008 Presidential Election by storm, inspiring an entire movement of young people to get involved in politics. In fact, he’s one of the reasons Connor was inspired to write the Tuttle Twins series! In this episode, Connor and Brittany discuss the importance of Ron Paul and how he helped […]