Raising a Capitalist Generation: The Importance of Teaching Kids About Free Markets

Do you have concerns about the rising generation growing up to be a bunch of socialists? Are you worried that your kids might get sucked up in the anti-capitalist propaganda machine? Don’t worry, educating your children on the virtues of capitalism and free markets can be done in a fun, interesting way. Here are some tips: 

1) Explain the concept of supply and demand – One of the key concepts in economics is understanding how supply and demand affect pricing. You can use everyday examples like food or clothing to explain this process to your children. Show them how an increase in demand will lead to an increase in price, while an increase in supply will lead to a decrease in price. This is not only important for understanding economics, but it also prepares them for making smart decisions when they become adults.

You could try having your kids imagine that they own a bakery and make delicious cookies. At first, they only make a few dozen cookies each day, so there is a limited supply of cookies. Because there are not many cookies available, people are willing to pay a higher price for them. As a result, they can charge a higher price for their cookies and make a good profit.

Now have them imagine that demand for their cookies increases. People are willing to pay even more for cookies, so they decide to increase production to meet the demand. They may start making more cookies each day, so the supply of cookies increases. As a result, the price of their cookies will maybe need to be lowered because there are more of them available. This means they will make less profit on each cookie, but they are still making more overall because they are selling more cookies.

This example will help kids see how supply and demand affect pricing. An increase in demand leads to an increase in price, while an increase in supply leads to a decrease in price. This is a fundamental concept in economics and can help your children understand how the market works.



2) Create a budgeting exercise – Teaching kids how to budget is one of the most important lessons they can learn. Try creating a pretend household budget with your children and see if they can make it work within their allotted funds. This will show them how different factors such as taxes, rent/mortgages, food costs, utilities etc can all add up and create real-world financial challenges that need to be managed properly. Here’s an example of a budgeting exercise:

First, pretend that you and your children are a household with a certain amount of monthly income. For example, let’s say your household makes $5,000 per month.

Next, ask your children to come up with a list of expenses that a household might have. Some common examples might include rent/mortgage, groceries, utilities, transportation costs, and entertainment.

Once you have a list of expenses, ask your children to assign a cost to each one. For example, let’s say your household’s expenses look like this:

  • Rent/mortgage: $1,500
  • Groceries: $500
  • Utilities: $200
  • Transportation: $300
  • Entertainment: $100

Now, add up all of the expenses to see how much money the household is spending each month. In this example, the total comes out to $2,500.

Next, subtract the total expenses from the household income to see how much money is left over. In this case, the household has $2,500 left over after paying all of its bills.

Finally, ask your children if they think the household is living within its means. In other words, is the household spending more money than it makes, or is it able to save some of its income? If the household is spending more than it makes, ask your children to brainstorm ways that the household can save money, such as cutting back on entertainment expenses or finding ways to reduce the cost of groceries.

By going through this exercise, your children will learn about the importance of budgeting and how different expenses can add up to create real-world financial challenges. They will also have the opportunity to practice making decisions about how to allocate their household’s income and come up with creative solutions to save money.

3) Introduce them to entrepreneurship – Explain to your children that entrepreneurs are people who start their own businesses, often with the goal of creating new products or services that people will want to buy. Entrepreneurs are essential for economic growth because they help to create jobs and generate wealth.

Talk to your children about what it takes to start and run a business. This might include coming up with a business idea, creating a plan for how the business will operate, finding investors to provide funding, and building a team of employees to help the business succeed.

If you own a business or know someone who does, consider inviting your children to visit the business and see what it’s like to be an entrepreneur. This will give them a firsthand look at what goes into running a business and help them understand the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship.

Another way to introduce your children to entrepreneurship is to encourage them to think of their own business ideas. This could be as simple as coming up with a product or service that they think people would be interested in buying. Encourage them to be creative and think outside the box!

Be sure to talk to your children about the importance of hard work and persistence when it comes to entrepreneurship. Building a successful business takes time and effort, so it’s important to be willing to put in the work and not give up when things get tough.



4) Discuss the role of competition – Another important aspect of free markets is the role of competition. Explain to your kids that competition helps drive businesses to be more efficient and innovative, leading to better products and services for consumers. Competition also helps to keep prices in check and prevent monopolies from forming. By encouraging your kids to be competitive in their own pursuits, you can help them develop a healthy appreciation for competition in the market.

First, explain to your kids what competition is and why it’s important in the market. Competition is when two or more businesses are trying to sell the same or similar products or services to the same group of consumers. Competition can be healthy because it encourages businesses to be more efficient and innovative in order to win customers.

Next, give your kids some examples of competition in the real world. For example, you could talk about how different brands of cereal compete against each other to win customers at the grocery store. Or, you could discuss how different fast food restaurants compete to sell the most burgers and fries.

Once your kids understand what competition is, explain to them how competition helps consumers. Like how it leads to better products and services because businesses are always trying to outdo each other. Competition can also help to keep prices in check, since businesses have to be competitive in order to win customers. Competition also helps keep monopolies from forming, which is when a single company has too much power and can control prices and other aspects of the market, and that’s good for consumers too!

Finally, encourage your kids to be competitive in their own pursuits. This could be in sports, school, or other activities. Encourage them to strive to be their best and not be afraid of competition. By doing this, you can help your kids develop a healthy appreciation for competition in the market, and in their own lives!

6) Emphasize the importance of personal responsibility – Free market values also place a strong emphasis on personal responsibility. Teach your kids that they are in control of their own lives and that their actions and decisions can have a direct impact on their financial success. Encourage them to be responsible with their money, work hard, and make smart decisions. This will help them develop a sense of ownership over their own lives and give them the confidence to succeed in the marketplace.

Personal responsibility is the idea that each person is in control of their own lives and has the power to make their own decisions. It’s important because it helps people to take ownership of their own lives and strive to achieve their goals.

For example, you could talk about how being responsible with money can help them save for the things they want in life, or how working hard in school can lead to better grades and opportunities in the future.

Once your kids understand the concept of personal responsibility, encourage them to take control of their own lives and make their own decisions. This might include setting goals for themselves, such as saving a certain amount of money each month or getting good grades in school. Encourage them to work hard and make smart decisions to achieve their goals.

Another way to emphasize personal responsibility is to discuss the consequences of not being responsible. For example, you could talk about how not saving money can lead to financial problems, or how not studying can lead to lower grades and fewer opportunities in the future.

Be sure to always celebrate your kids’ successes when they take responsibility for their own lives and make good decisions. This can help to reinforce the importance of personal responsibility and give them the confidence to continue making good choices in the future.


The Tuttle Twins have created resources for parents and teachers who are concerned about the rise in dangerous ideas like socialism and communism that have lead to the suffering of millions of people. Using tools like our Free Market Rules! curriculum, our books like, The Tuttle Twins and the Messed Up Market, and our curriculum that teaches true history, parents can be sure that their kids will be equipped with the knowledge they need to be successful and secure in their futures (and that they won’t grow up to be commies!).
Understanding free market values is essential for preparing our kids for adulthood. By using everyday examples, creating budgeting exercises, introducing them to entrepreneurship at an early age, and giving them access to all the great Tuttle Twins content, parents can do their part to help raise a generation of capitalists, ready for success!


Protect Your Kids Today

There are many subtle ways that socialist ideas are being introduced, taught, and reinforced directly to your children.

Our e-book walks through several examples to help raise your attention to this agenda so you can help your children avoid being indoctrinated to support the state.


(AGE 5-11)

Our American History Books + Curriculum





Hopefully Santa gives these out this year. Best gift to help counter the elementary school propaganda. #tuttletwins


When ur bedtime story teaches ur girl about the federal reserve & what a crock of crap it is. Vocab words: Medium of exchange & fiat currency. #tuttletwins for the win

Maribeth Cogan

“My just-turned-5 year old told me he is planning to read all the #TuttleTwins books today. It’s 10AM on Saturday and he’s already on his third. #Homeschooling ftw.”