What Kamala should know about Valley Forge

Kamala should learn about Valley Forge

Okay guys, it’s time to be alarmed. Kamala Harris’s recent advocacy for price controls is a major red flag for anyone who understands how the free market is supposed to operate. It’s even worse for those of us who know that price controls are a major feature of a communist regime. The Washington Post nailed […]

Tuttle Twins Academy is LIVE! Pre-Order Now

Big news today! I’m not kidding when I tell you that this may be the most important thing we’ve ever done. Our kids are growing up at a time when truth is buried under layers of spin or outright lies, and schools seem more focused on pushing agendas than in teaching real, useful skills. As […]

You don’t hate the media enough

Do you still watch the news? I gave it up a long time ago, but it’s always surprising to me that so many people still lend credibility to the major networks. It’s just so obvious to many of us that the media has fully transitioned from once being the watchdogs of power to becoming the […]

Hey Secret Service! Go home, you’re drunk (on power)

Secret Service agent covering store camera

Holy smokes. What is going on with the Secret Service?! Imagine closing your business for the day, only to return and find someone had covered your security cameras before breaking in and helping themselves to your bathroom. That’s exactly what happened to Alicia Powers, a salon owner in Massachusetts. But instead of calling the cops and having […]