198. What Is The History Behind the Pledge of Allegiance

From an early age, students are taught the Pledge of Allegiance to recite each morning at school. While many see this as a form of patriotism, there are some very problematic aspects of the Pledge. How it came to be and how it is used is actually anti-individualist. Link: Francis Bellamy https://www.connorboyack.com/blog/why-i-do-not-pledge-allegiance-to-the-flag Here’s a transcript […]
197. What is Anarcho-Capitalism?

From an early age, students are taught the Pledge of Allegiance to recite each morning at school. While many see this as a form of patriotism, there are some very problematic aspects of the Pledge. How it came to be and how it is used is actually anti-individualist. Here’s the transcription of our conversation: Brittany: […]