How Modern Villains Use the Law Against You
I’ve been thinking lately about power. Specifically, about how power is maintained—not through elections or by consent, but by twisting the law into a weapon. The strategy is simple: create so many rules, regulations, and technicalities that everyone becomes a criminal without even knowing it. That way, when someone steps out of line (when they […]
Land of the Free (where we’re not actually free to produce)
Happy Monday! The election is just a few weeks away, and I can’t help but notice how the loudest voices—those pushing for more control, more regulations, and more interference—always seem to be the people who have never contributed anything of real value to the world. It’s frustrating to see, and it brings to mind one […]
They’re still lying about 9/11. Why?
With another 9/11 anniversary coming up this week, many of us will reflect on where we were that day and the impact those events had on our lives. But beyond remembrance, it’s important that we recognize how that day became a launchpad for political agendas that have driven our country far from its roots. You […]
Zuckerberg says he’s sorry. Do you forgive him?
Isn’t it interesting how some stories make headlines while others slip quietly under the radar. Take, for example, the recent arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov, who is accused of defying government orders to censor content on his platform. Meanwhile, back in the good ol’ US of A, Mark Zuckerberg casually admits that Meta was […]
You don’t hate the media enough
Do you still watch the news? I gave it up a long time ago, but it’s always surprising to me that so many people still lend credibility to the major networks. It’s just so obvious to many of us that the media has fully transitioned from once being the watchdogs of power to becoming the […]
Hey Secret Service! Go home, you’re drunk (on power)
Holy smokes. What is going on with the Secret Service?! Imagine closing your business for the day, only to return and find someone had covered your security cameras before breaking in and helping themselves to your bathroom. That’s exactly what happened to Alicia Powers, a salon owner in Massachusetts. But instead of calling the cops and having […]