Powell to Trump: “You’re not the boss of me!”

Jerome Powell made headlines this week, and not just because the Fed decided to cut rates again.  Just two days after Trump’s re-election, Powell held a press conference where, among other things, he declared that he would not step down if the president asked him to. Oh. This bold move underscores something many people don’t […]

The Fed cut rates. We know what that means.

You know the meme with the little dog sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee while everything around him is on fire?  That was Jerome Powell earlier this week. And he’s hoping you’ll believe him when he insists that, “This is fine.” On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates, and while the […]

How a secret meeting off the Georgia coast changed your life

What if I told you that a small, secret meeting over a hundred years ago still impacts the money in your pocket today? It’s a little-known chapter of American history that’s been purposely swept under the rug, but it’s a story you need to hear. It all starts with a man named Nelson Aldrich. You […]

The system is rigged to make (and keep) us poor

News out of the DNC has given us one disastrous take after another, so it’s hard to pick which awful policy proposal to talk about first.  Although there are literally a dozen freedom-limiting, big-government enhancing, worst-idea-ever, soundbites to choose from, I want to talk about something that might get lost in the flashier headlines. The […]

What the WEF and the Fed Have in Common

This week, the global elite arrived by private jet and motorcade in Davos where they plan to spend the next several days lecturing the rest of us about the sacrifices we’ll need to make in order to create a greener and more equitable world. As they dine on the finest cuts of beef, they’ll discuss […]

305. What Are Interest Rates And How Do They Affect Us?

Interest rates might seem like a complex concept to grasp. But anyone who buys anything needs to understand. Here’s a transcript of our conversation: Emma: Hi, Brittany. Brittany: Hi, Emma. Emma: Today I wanna talk about something that affects all of us in many, many ways, but few people can actually explain. And that is interest rates. And this […]

The IMF, the Federal Reserve, and Marxist Central Bankers

You’ve seen the same inflation I have… prices are up everywhere. And Biden is trying to call it the “Putin Price Hike” in order to shift the blame away from his (and Trump’s) money-printing bonanza. It’s a lie meant to misdirect you from understanding the real source of the problem. Meanwhile, what do the central […]

What is Inflation? Podcast Ep 26

Did you know that candy used to cost as little as a penny? Seeing a movie in a theaters used to cost as little as $5. But over time, costs have gone up. In this episode, Connor and Brittany discuss the “Creature from Jekyll Island” and why this ghastly creature is causing prices to go […]