Children's Books Complete Series: Limited-Time Sale 35% OFF

Why Dads (and Boys) Matter More Than Ever

dad with sons

Happy Friday! And Happy Father’s Day! Are you old enough to remember when TV dads were portrayed as pillars of wisdom and strength? Characters like Ward Cleaver, Mike Brady, and Andy Griffith set the standard for fatherhood with their level heads and respectability. They were the people their kids could always go to for sage […]

When I Say “Homemaker,” Act Like a Chicken

Years ago I was coaxed into attending a hypnosis comedy show. I had never experienced nor even been witness to hypnotism, and I wondered if it was even real. Not long into the act, the hypnotist invited the audience to participate in a group demonstration in which he would persuade us that our hands were […]

The State Can’t Win Against Strong Families

I’ve been thinking a lot about family lately—how it seems more and more that the family is under attack in media, in politics, in schools, and within the legal system. Nearly everywhere you look you can find examples of anti-family messaging. I, of course, don’t believe this is an accident. The late philosopher and theologian […]

485. How Can We Develop Good Habits?

Dr. BJ Fogg joins Connor to discuss his book Tiny Habits, share four tips for kids to develop good habits, and new songs for kids he has created to teach these important ideas.  

In Their Perfect World, Parents Don’t Exist…

John Taylor Gatto, a renowned educator and author, once said, “The family is the main engine of education. If we use schooling to break children away from parents… we’re going to continue to have the horror show we have right now.” Horror show, indeed. Mr. Gatto passed away a couple of years ago, but his […]

Volunteering as a Family: Empowering Children to Make a Difference

Are you holding your kids back from their full potential? Every day, we’re faced with news of natural or man-made disasters that have caused devastating consequences for individuals and their families. These events can range from hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods to civil disorder, crime, and industrial accidents. In addition to these larger scale disasters, people […]

The Woke War on Family

It must be a slow-outrage week for the wokies because I recently found myself (once again) in the crosshairs of people who express moral outrage at the idea that parents should be proactive in teaching their children and guiding the way they develop their morals and values. I used to worry that critics were misunderstanding […]