The Constitution: “Dangerous” and “Undemocratic”

250th anniversary of the Articles of Association of 1774

Happy Wednesday! So did you hear that the Constitution is “dysfunctional” and “antidemocratic,” and maybe we’d be better off if we just tore it up and started over? Don’t take my word for it! The brain trust over at the New York Times said it.  (So you know it must be true. ) But all joking aside, this […]

When BLM calls out the democrats’ antics

Prepare Your Teens

What a week! And something tells me there’s a lot more upheaval on the horizon. I mean, at some point the sitting president (and recent nominee) is going to have to make like, an actual appearance.  Right? Or maybe not. It’s a brave new world.  The Democrats’ clever maneuver to replace their nominee with Kamala Harris—bypassing […]

CNN is rewriting history. Again.

people say we live in a republic. CNN loses it.

Happy Friday!  I think I may have just seen the thing that ends any argument about CNN being any type of legitimate news outlet.  They recently aired a “people on the street” style segment where they asked Trump supporters if the United States is a democracy. Predictably, these folks said no, explaining that we are […]