512. What Was Your First Job?

Today, Ronni and Brittany talk about their first jobs and what they learned from their experience. The also talk about how that experience helped them in their future career.  

206. Should We All Follow Our Passions?

Most of us have been given advice like “follow your passion,” or “pursue what you love.” But is this always the best advice for everyone? Or is there more to choosing a career than just doing what you love? powerpress] Here’s a transcript of our conversation: Emma: Hi, Brittany. Brittany: Hi, Emma. Emma: Today we wanna talk about, […]

146. How Should We Deal with Difficult People?

In life you’re going to have to deal with people you don’t get along with–that is just the way the world works. Today, Connor and Brittany talk about their own experiences and some tips on dealing with difficult people. Here’s a transcript of our conversation: Brittany: Hi Connor. Connor: Hey, Brittany. Brittany: So, you know, on this show […]

86. How Do You Crush Your First Job Interview?

Getting a good job is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your financial prosperity. Today Connor and Brittany give listeners some advice on how they can prepare for their future careers now and give some helpful tips on crushing a future job interview. Links: Crash.co   Here’s a transcript of […]