Caring about our enviornment is a good thing, but some environmental activists take the wrong approach and want to use government force to protect the planet.

Here’s a transcript of our conversation:

Ronni: Hey, Brittany.

Brittany: Hi, Ronni.

Ronni: So, today I want to talk about something that might sound like a conspiracy theory at first, but it’s actually real. Well, I guess it’s not all a conspiracy theory, but the conspiracy theory, you can’t see me, but I’m putting this in air quotes because I know many people have different feelings on this, and it’s not something that I personally have done enough research in to be able to say the truth on any of it. But I am aware that a lot of people are worried about chemtrails. Chemtrails, right?

Brittany: Yes, I do.

Ronni: I don’t even know how you feel about them or not.

Brittany: It used to be something when I was, years and years ago, 13 years ago, I got really into it. So I was into it for a while, and it just became one of those things that it just kind of went lower on my priority list. It’s not that I believe in them or don’t believe in them, I just got distracted with the Ron Paul election and other things like that.

Ronni: So, again, I know people do a lot more thought into Kim Trails. I just haven’t. But oh, for our listeners who are wondering, what are you talking about? What is a Kim trail? So if you look into the sky, how you can see planes and they’re flying, and then you can see all of the white stream of stuff behind them. Sometimes that’s just from the plane, but other times people are worried that it could be chemicals that are being dropped on us, especially if, I guess it’s done in a certain pattern. The idea is that it’s supposed to be changing the cloud layers to have rain or not have rain or something. Again, I don’t have enough research into this, but I’m at least aware of this. So, anyway, if you listen and so much more about chem trials, there’s a good possibility more than me. So, I’m just going to let you make that judgment call. But here’s where there is some truth. So, there was a conspiracy again in air quotes called.

Brittany: Well, I like how it got all, you got all dark and murky. There’s a conspiracy you can’t see me.

Ronni: I also did the thing with my fingers where I twinkled back and forth. So, there’s a lot of things that happen in the world and the government that at the time are considered conspiracies and then later eventually come out as true. And this is one of those cases, and it was called Operation Sea Spray, and it happened in 1950. So you haven’t heard of this, have you?

Brittany: I haven’t. This is new for me.

Ronni: Right. New story. So, Operations Sea Spray was in 1950, and at the time, the government specifically, this was the Navy that was orchestrating this, they wanted to test, kind of do a sample of what would happen if there was a bioterrorist attack. What if some pathogen or germ was released into the public? How quickly could it spread? How quickly would it go through a population? So, they decided to, there was this bacteria that at the time they thought was harmless, and it was called, here’s a word that I’m going to not pronounce. I actually tried to look up the right way to pronounce it, and they already forgot, but it’s the bacteria and it’s called Serratia marcescens, something like that, but I’m just going to call it Serratia. But what was cool about this particular bacteria and why they chose it is because apparently when the bacteria grows, it’s a very red color. If it grows on bread, it looks like there’s blood on the bread, but it shows up as red. So, they thought, oh, this will be easier to kind of track it and test it when we’re doing tests for it. So, over the course of six days, the Navy sprayed these bacteria. There was some other stuff in the mixture too, but they sprayed it off of a ship. I think it was two miles up into the air, and then they just kind of let it filter over San Francisco, and then they were testing it. So, I know they didn’t even contact the Health Authority. It was just the Navy just did it.

Brittany: So, how Were they allowed to do that?

Ronni: I don’t know, because the government, and they think they need to do whatever, but they

Brittany: Didn’t even ask the other government. It’s like two governments at odds with each other. That’s crazy.

Ronni: What other, you mean like the San Francisco government? I don’t know the details of that. All I know is that the health authority wasn’t contacted at the time this Serratia was believed to be harmless. So, they just thought, okay, well, we can do this for our test. So they spread it all over San Francisco. And then after, I forget the timeframe, but it was a week or two, something like that. And over that timeframe, it was determined that bacteria spread through the entire city to the point where everybody got a fairly heavy load and some places got much, much higher loads, but still, everyone was breathing in these spores from this, well, again, a week or so later, there were some interesting health repercussions. There was one hospital that on the same day had something like 11 patients come in for a very rare and severe, it was like urinary tract infection or something like that. But it was very rare. It was not something that happened, and it all happened all at once, all on the same day, in the same location. That must’ve been a location where it got an extra heavy dosage or something. But what was interesting is, that part of this urinary tract infection is that a lot of the urine was red tinge. It was red in color, and that is how they got the idea that it was possibly likely connected to this Serratia bacteria that was also sprayed into the area. Anyway, so there was medical papers written up about this, and even though it never of course came to anything that was proven that this was caused by, that, there was a lot of correlations. So especially the red urine coming through that I think was a big thing.

Brittany: That is crazy.

Ronni: I know, isn’t it? There’s the more you study things, there’s a lot of crazy things that have happened in the world and by the government. But anyway, so, that’s a true story. Operations sea spray, you guys can go and look it up if you want to. And so when we talk about things like Kim Trails, I mean, there’s documentation now that it has happened before that the government has for testing purposes without realizing any effects that’s going to happen, they have extra.

Brittany: So, you’re saying maybe because I think a lot of people who believe in think, oh, the government’s doing it to hurt us, that maybe they were just doing an experiment not realizing which wasn’t good either, but not realizing that they were hurting us. That’s interesting.

Ronni: Good point. And yeah, I’m glad you brought that up because the next two things I’m going to mention are more along the accidental lines, not the purposely, this is done this, but even still, when people don’t ask questions before they act, there can be severe effects afterward. And that’s why it’s important that we don’t just, I don’t know, just trust like, oh, you think this looks good, but you have never really tested it. Sure. I’ll just go ahead and experiment on myself. So, along those lines, I also wanted to touch on two things. Well, one main thing. So, geoengineering, are you familiar with this term?

Brittany: Yes, and that’s scientists creating waves or thinking they’ve created waves to mitigate or to make climate change.

Ronni: Exactly. Yeah. So, that’s kind of a new term, but yeah, we’re going to engineer geography, I guess, anyway. So, to some extent, I think this term first started being used around the time when the ozone layer became a concern. People were worried about the ozone layer thinning out, which is less of a concern now, we’ve actually done a magazine article on this once about ozone layer fears before in climate change fears. But anyways, besides that, now geoengineering is primarily focused on trying to cool the earth so how can we cool the earth and protect it from the sun’s rays? So, some different companies have been trying to come up with things. A lot of it has to do with how we can reflect the sun away from our atmosphere and back up into space. So, I want to start really quickly speaking of the ozone layer. So, in the 1990s, there was a volcanic explosion called Mount Pinatubo. It was in the Philippines, but it released a lot of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, and that ended up cooling the Earth’s temperature by 1%. So, I think that idea of, oh, if we put sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, it will cool the earth. Some people are now think that’s a possibility for us to do now, but it’s possible also in the 1990s if you read this magazine article that we wrote about in the October issue of Tuttle Times, another thing that was going on in the nineties was these other fears of the ozone layer, thinning, and acid rain.

Brittany: Remember, it was a greenhouse gas effect or whatever they called it, right? Yes. So

Ronni: So, some people have thought that it’s possible that this volcanic explosion contributed to those things and those fears. So, it’s possible that this idea of, oh, let’s just throw sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, and maybe that will cool. The earth will also have side effects, like worse side effects for us. So, the whole point I’m getting to in this is that there’s this environmental startup that has come into the news just recently, just this past month. It’s called Make Sunsets. That’s the name of the company. And what they’ve decided to do is release six-foot helium balloons up into the air over, it’s in Mexico, but over like Baja California area, so underneath California, that area of Mexico, and release it up into the air filled with sulfur dioxide, and then we’ll release into the atmosphere. The Mexican government was saying, oh, you’re not allowed to do this. But they did it anyway. So, I guess because there’s no laws that say that you can’t do that. Anyway, the point is that we need to be careful about releasing things out into our environments without doing complete studies on them.

Brittany: And without telling people, you’re right. I think the worst part of it is consent. We talk about consent all the time, and everybody has the right to know what’s going on around them that could impact them. And when it’s the atmosphere, the air we breathe, the air we breathe, that impacts everybody. Say what you will about vaccines. And I think they were rushed for COVID and stuff like that, but at least people could decide. Most people, well, that Actually goes in all other things. For the most part though, the government, unless you worked for them, and then that got reversed by the Supreme Court, wasn’t going to take you to jail for the most part without doing it, but with the air, and they’re not even telling you. That is just shocking. So, crazy stuff. Ronni, I’ll have you maybe some links in the show notes. Okay. And our listeners can check out some of these things. Well, you guys, thank you so much. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to the podcast. And until next time, we’ll talk to you soon.

Ronni: All right. See you soon.