Imagine your own country labeling you a domestic terrorist because you didn’t think the way they wanted you to. Unfortunately, that’s already happening!
Here’s a transcript of our conversation:
Connor: Hey, Brittany.
Brittany: Hi, Connor.
Connor: So I have a provocative question for you.
Brittany: Oh, okay.
Connor: Are you a terrorist?
Brittany: What like, someone who uses violence against people and it scares them to push their political views? No, not that I am aware of. I’m like, I don’t think for a second. No, we’ve talked about the non-aggression principle before and I’m a huge believer in that. So unprovoked attacks aren’t really my thing. It’s not really my jam.
Connor: Not really your jam? All right. Now, what if I told you that according to the government, some of your political beliefs would put you into domestic terrorist territory?
Brittany: I’d say that’s pretty terrifying, actually.
Connor: Not terror words, terrorist territory. That’s terrifying.
Brittany: Terrifying.
Connor: Well, let’s, okay, back up a minute before we dive into this and talk about what a terrorist is. We’ve talked before about nine 11. A lot of the young kids have had to learn about it cuz they, you know, certainly didn’t live through it. There’s been, other episodes as well when there have been, attacks involving terrorism. Interestingly, many of them in the year since have or attempts at terrorism have been, solved by the FBI. I think we may have mentioned this in the past episode. There have been many cases of potential domestic terrorism solved by the FBI, except the FBI was involved all along in providing the money and the supplies to push this poor idiot kid into committing a terrorist act that the FBI Swovs in and solves and pats.
Brittany: Are you thinking of the two bombers specifically?
Connor: Oh, there’s many.
Brittany: Are there? Okay.
Connor: Yeah. Glen Greenwald talks about this all the time. There’s, been a bunch of them and so there’s been lots of instances of actual terrorism, frankly. But nine 11 is the easiest one. Of course, you know, people flew planes into buildings and buildings fell, and of course there’s, you know, theories about all that kind of stuff, which is always a fun debate. But I would say that you know, we’re living in pretty strange times, which I think is fairly obvious to most of our listeners. But as the country’s become more politically divided, the government has turned against its own people and decided that they too can become terrorists. So it’s not just, you know, Muslims from the Middle East or cave dwelling, you know, Al-Qaeda fighters who were trained by Russia in the 1980s. Like, it’s not just this foreign thing now, it’s this idea that there can be, and is what’s called domestic terrorism, or homegrown terrorism. In other words, you know, people who grew up from you down the road and went to your elementary school and they go to your church, but then they become radicalized and they, you know, try and blow up a bank or, you know, whatever. And so that’s this idea of domestic terrorism or homegrown terrorism. But the definition that the problem is, the definition has changed so drastically that people now use the label. And when I say people, I mean people in government, and people in government now use that label of domestic terrorists to, and they apply that label to people based not on what they’ve done, but on what they think. Right? And so, takes someone who objects to COVID lockdowns and thinks that that’s, you know, a bad thing for the government to do. Well, they get labeled by people as a threat to national health. Suddenly they’re a potential ju drastic domestic terrorist if they are preventing people from being safe. If they’re trying to be reckless and infect a lot of people, you know, it’s troublesome that people who have a certain political opinion can be labeled as a terrorist. Like you’re trying to inflict terror, you’re trying to make people scared, you know? And so now it’s not just your actions can be dangerous, it’s that there are certain ideas that the government deems dangerous. We talked in a past episode about China and the social credit score and the censorship. And, you know, for a communist government, there are many, ideas like TM and Square that we talked about that are dangerous, right? Truth is trees. And in an empire of lies, as we talked about from Ron Paul. And so with COVID and this idea that I’m giving where people who, think that we shouldn’t have lockdowns or whatever, right? There are people who see that idea as dangerous, the idea that the government shouldn’t lock down or shouldn’t have forced vaccines and all these things, they see that idea as dangerous because, oh my gosh, if that idea was infectious and if it caught on, and if many people believe that we would be unsafe, therefore, your ideas make you a domestic terrorist. Brittany, do you have another example of this?
Brittany: Yeah, so Emma and I touched on this briefly a couple episodes ago. We talked about how parents and teachers are kind of at odds right now because teachers and people on school boards and government officials are saying parents shouldn’t be allowed to talk or to give directions and decide what their kids should be learning in public school. And parents are saying, where are their parents? Like, we should absolutely be giving input into what our kids are learning into public school. And this went into a big debate. Em, and I talked about something called Critical race theory, where teachers are teaching kids that basically they’re responsible for things, their ancestors that maybe they never even knew did. Or not even their ancestors, just people who had the same color of skin that lived hundreds of years ago. And so a lot of parents are saying, you know, one that’s not very individualist, and two, that’s, you know, that’s not something we want our kids learning. Well, there are now teachers and like pta that’s like parent teacher association members that are saying, if you are a parent and you are against these things being taught in school, or if you’re a parent that wants to control what is being taught in school, you’re a domestic terrorist. Because that must mean you’re a racist and you’re a white supremacist and therefore you’re bad. But it gets so much worse than that Connor, because, what’s his name? Garland. What’s his first name? Don’t know. Is it Okay. I can’t remember his name, but he’s the new, oh my goodness, I’m like, spacing it right now. He is, I wanna say, okay, he’s high up in the government. I’m so sorry that I can’t remember his title.
Connor: Mayor Garland.
Brittany: Mayor Garland. Yeah, there, it’s, so some teachers were asking him, can you please use the Patriot Act? And m and I just did an episode on that too. They asked him, can you use the Patriot Act to arrest these parents because they’re domestic terrorists? And that is crazy to me. Even worse, is that Garland said, you know what? I think that’s a good idea. I’m gonna look into this. So now you have parents that are just worried about what their kids are doing that now risk being called domestic terrorists, all because they really are questioning, that’s all they’re doing, what their kids are being taught. And they’re saying, we wanna have more input. So there’s a good, advertisement for homeschool.
Connor: I remember a decade, more than a decade now, Brittany, you and I were involved in, helping the Ron Paul Presidential campaign. Yes. And he ran twice, once in, well, three times technically.
Brittany: Three times, yes.
Connor: Libertarian long ago. But in 2008, and then, 2012, and you’ll remember this story that, it was, I think just after, during the 2008 campaign, there was a police report in Missouri, that came out and it branded supporters of Ron Paul as militia influenced terrorists. And so it was this idea, if you support this presidential, you know, campaign, this candidate, then you’re influenced by the militia movement. And that means you’re a radical and you are a right-wing extremist, and you are a threat. Like this is the government, this is this the police, it’s from the Missouri Information Analysis Center. It’s this kind of secret police office. And they had this report where they’re trying to kind of describe what the threats are. They’re not looking at, you know, the people from the Middle East flying planes into buildings. They’re looking for who are the people here living among us? Who are the threats, you know, who are the subversive, you know, crazy people whose ideas might lead to, you know, conflict and problems? And so they’re trying to like look under every rock and find, you know, who the new problems are. And they’ve put the spotlight on Ron Paul’s supporters. Yes. Gimme a break. Like, it was just so ridiculous. But it shows that this label of domestic terrorism, when the definition expands, when they start being very kind of fast and loose with who a terrorist actually is, and whether terrorism is like, you know, blowing people up or just posting a blog post with a crazy idea, right? Like good heavens, like under that latter definition of just sharing ideas, like all the founding fathers were terrorists and
Brittany: Oh yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
Connor: I mean, cuz because I feel like Brittany, I feel like terrorism is in the eye of the beholder. And what I mean by that is, it’s different depending on your point of view. So King George absolutely thought that the colonial, you know, constitutional convention and all these delegates and everyone, they, he thought they were radicals. He thought they were terrorists. The people, the Boston Tea Party, absolutely right. But from the perspective of the people actually involved, they were freedom fighters. They were defending their home, they were fighting oppression from the British Red Coats. Same thing in the Middle East. Like I know of maybe three people ever who have taken the time to read the letter from Osama Binladen where he explains why he was involved in the nine 11 attacks. And it was like this open letter, but like hardly anyone published it or talked about it. But here he was stating his views doesn’t mean you have to agree with them. Doesn’t mean you have to sympathize with them, none of that. But my heavens, like, if someone is saying, here’s why I was involved in this terrorist act, like wouldn’t we at least try and understand why, or like, you know, read and see what they’re even saying? And so when you look
Brittany: It’s so scary.
Connor: Yeah. And so when you look at the events of nine 11 and other kind of terrorist attempts and fighting, you know, the United States Army and military in the Middle East and all these things, when you certainly from the perspective of like George W. Bush who was president at the time, it’s like these are our all terrorists and they’re the axis of evil, you know, and we good imitation , thank you. I was, I’m not good at imitation. So I was trying , I’m not like Will Ferrell, I think he had like the, the best, he had a good one imitation ever. But you know, if you’re someone like George W. Bush and all his buddies, you see all those actions and actors as not actors. Like, anyways, that’s a bad word, or wrong word to use for kids to understand what I meant. The people involved in these actions, right? You see them as terrorists. But when you read what Osama bin LA says where he is, like, your military has been on our sacred, you know, soil and you are oppressors. And in past decades in, you know, Iraq and Iran and all these countries in the Middle East, you’ve been, you know, toppling governments which the United States has. The United, the CIA toppled the government in Iran decades ago and installed a new puppet, it was called the Shaw. This leader of the government who was ruthless. Not that the previous guy was amazing, but it was someone that the people supported that went through this kind of democratic process. The CIA came in and got the Shaw installed, horribly brutal. They kidnapped Americans as hostages. There was this big hostage crisis, right? All these things. It’s not just like, oh my gosh, some planes flew into some buildings and you know, woe is me. We were unprovoked. It’s like, well, no, when you look at what Osama Binladin saying, there’s at least some reasoning, there’s at least some explanation for like, we’re fed up with what you guys are doing. So from their perspective, they’re kind of the freedom fighters in their view, right? When a drone from the United States government drops a bomb and kills a bunch of kids, and the dad who was at work and comes home to that sees what happened, do you think he’s gonna like sing the Star Spangled Banner? Nope. Right? And so now he might be motivated to fight back and you know, shoot at some American soldiers again, not condoning it, not saying that he’s right or whatever, but explaining that people have different perspectives. And when you lose your children to this military that’s occupying your country, you probably see them as the oppressors and the terrorists. Then you’re trying to defend your family. And so, and of course we talk about some of this in the Golden Rule, book, about blowback and this kind of cycle of revenge and so forth. But anyways, going back to the point of our topic, Brittany, it’s that when you say someone’s a domestic terrorist, right? It’s really just the perspective of someone from the Missouri Information Analysis Center, whatever the police, the government, right? Sure. They probably see Ron Paul’s ideas or people who support the Constitution or believe in liberty. They see those ideas as a threat cuz they kind of are to people who are like very controlling and, you know, want to preserve power just like King George saw it as, you know, a threat. But that doesn’t mean that it’s actually terrorism, it just means that that term is really being abused and it’s a matter of perspective. What are your thoughts, Brittany?
Brittany: No, I think that’s absolutely right. And I think it’s a dangerous road to go down. And there’s one organization that’s really bad at this Southern Poverty Law Center who, yeah, you hear the name and you’re thinking like, well that sounds lovely. You know, every, you know, the poor people need a law center too. That is not what they do. their whole job is to literally cry wolf and call everybody a terrorist. Everybody on who’s rite of center. Meaning, not necessarily that they’re Republicans, but they’re anybody who’s not, you know, a leftist. They have just declared that they’re all white supremacists. In fact, somebody that Connor and I know in respect Judge Napolitan, he’s on that list as a domestic terrorist. I think Ron Paul might be on that list, or at least his followers are on that list. So it’s crazy to me because if you think differently than somebody, you’re a terrorist. It’s not even like, oh, we have different opinions. It’s, we have different opinions, therefore you are an evil person. So I think it’s terrifying. I think we’re gonna see a lot more of this. Unfortunately, I think with COVID too, people are really just prone to pointing fingers and saying, you know, you’re trying to kill everybody cuz you’re not vaccinated or you’re doing this. So I think it’s scary and I think it’s gonna keep happening.
Connor: I think you’re right. We gotta be careful because, again, I just love that quote from Ron Paul where he says, truth is treason in an empire of lies. When you have an empire, when you have control, right? They don’t like the truth, they don’t like individualism, they don’t like freedom. They see these ideas as threats. So of course they’re gonna call it, you know, domestic terrorism. They’re gonna try and make it look bad. They’re gonna assert their power and try and, you know, maintain their power. But those of us who do believe in freedom and who do believe in truth and are fighting for these ideas, we gotta recognize that we might be branded in that negative way and we just gotta be prepared for it. So, still, Brittany, one of my goals is to get the Southern Poverty Law Center to brand me as a terrorist. That’s when I know I will have achieved success in life is when it comes. So, you know, big or successful or whatever, that I hit their radar and they say mean things about me, then I’ll consider that a badge of honor cuz there’s crazy people out there like that. So guys, show notes, page Make sure you’re subscribed. Thank you for listening. We got a lot of awesome content in store for the next few episodes. So stick around and make sure you’re subscribed. Brittany, great as always talking to you. And until next time, we’ll talk to you later.
Brittany: Talk to you later.