On this episode, Emma and Brittany quiz each other to see how much they remember from past episodes. How much do you remember? Listen and test your own knowledge!
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Here’s a transcript of our conversation:
Brittany: Hi, Emma.
Emma: Hi, Brittany.
Brittany: So, I thought we would do something a little different today and that maybe we do a little quiz show, so to speak, where you and I can ask each other some questions about things that we’ve all talked about, meaning you, me, and Connor in previous episodes, and parents and kids, if you wanna have some fun and play along with us. Emma and I will not be googling anything, so no cheating. And you can kind of, you know, if you’re in the car or you’re listening somewhere in your house, you guys can answer too. Maybe pause if you don’t know the answer. But no Googling.
Emma: No, googling loud. No, that takes all the fun out of it.
Brittany: All right, so I’ll go first. And this is actually inspired cause a parent came up to me at a conference and told me this was their son’s favorite episode. So Emma, what were the names of the brother and sister duo who lived in Nazi Germany and were killed after they stood up to the regime by passing out flyers, letting people know about the atrocities and all the bad things committed by the Nazi government.
Emma: Those were Hans and Sophie scholl and, right? Did I get that right?
Brittany: Yes, you did get it right. Ok. I wish I had some sort of like buzzer, like, ding, I didn’t, think about this.
Emma: So the reason why I know that is because my first question I was going to ask you is, what was the white rose?
Brittany: So wait, really? what was your first question?
Emma: I’m not joking. I’ve got it written down right in, front of you.
Brittany: That’s so funny.
Emma: So this is, very good. We’re off to a good start.
Brittany: Well, my bonus question was what did their whole group call themselves? And I guess we don’t need to go over that now.
Emma: Well, there we go. Should we do a quick refresher on just who they were in case?
Brittany: Yeah, do you wanna, like a quick and we’ll link to maybe the episodes we talk about in the show notes?
Emma: Yeah, So I won’t go into too much detail cuz we’ve already gone over all of this in a past podcast, but Hans and Sophie scholl were, like you said, Brittany, they grew up in Nazi Germany. They were students who, really opposed Hitler vocally through propaganda, or not propaganda, but through graffiti and pamphlets that they would pass out. And they were very brave and they were ultimately killed by Hitler’s regime. Sad, very sad. but Sophie was famous for, in her trial, actually interrupting the person that was cross-examining her, or actually, she never got the chance to speak, but she interrupted a few times. So the white rose was their basically secret society student resistance group that they set up to counteract all of the lies that Hitler was telling. So they would, like I said, they would pass out pamphlets and do graffiti and all sorts of, really brave things. And they did pay a price for standing up, but history looks on them as heroes for it. So I’m such a huge fan of those two and of the white rose. So not surprised that we both brought that up at the very beginning.
Brittany: That’s so funny. All right, well you’re up next, Emma.
Emma: Okay. So I will skip that one. Brittany, do you know who Satoshi Nakamoto is? And can you explain what that person did?
Brittany: Well, technically no one knows who that is.
Emma: There you go. Trick question.
Brittany: It is an alias. An alias is like a name that, like a fake name that isn’t really yours to describe the person or people who created Bitcoin and the whole blockchain network. And, in 2008, I’m sure they started working on it much before then, but the paper was 2008, the white paper, which is like what they call a, everyone calls a white paper. That’s really just a big long research paper. But the Bitcoin one is actually very interesting. I did read that one. so that’s who he was or is, or they are, nobody really knows. So it’s kind of a big mystery.
Emma: It is a huge mystery. It’s very fascinating to read into that. And everyone’s got their guesses on who it is. And one person even came forward and claimed to be the person and had this exact same name on an id and it was like this whole controversy. But yep. That’s the person who created Bitcoin. Nice job.
Brittany: And we will link. So these are all, like, most of these questions are from episodes we’ve had, so we will link to them in case you’re like, oh, I haven’t heard that one. I wanna listen to that one. So we’ll make sure we do that.
Emma: Yes. They’ll all be in the show notes.
Brittany: All right. So I’m up, I think, Ooh, which one, to choose? Okay, here we go, Emma, which two Supreme Court justices disagreed on many, many issues, but we’re still great friends despite their differences.
Emma: Ooh, I am gonna say cuz I feel like I don’t, I wasn’t on this episode, but I No, but it’s, I know I’ve heard about this.
Brittany: It’s, this is something people know about.
Emma: Yeah. This is Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Clarence Thomas. Right?
Brittany: Ooh, so Close. Oh, you’re so close. I was about to go ding ding.
Emma: Oh No. Hold on. Antonin Scalia. Yes. I said the wrong person. Yes. I was thinking of the other conservative, famous justice.
Brittany: I’ll say the other conservative, I guess we have a couple now. okay. I will give you the point. Emma gets half a point.
Emma: Yeah, there you go.
Brittany: So that’s a great, episode we did about people who can still be friends even though they don’t always believe in the same thing. And I think that’s such an important lesson right now because right now the world is so torn apart. You know, another pair we mentioned on the episode where Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, who started out as great friends, had a huge spat and didn’t talk to each other for years. And then if you guys remember, they both ended up reconciling through letters, meaning they made up in letters and then died on the same day, which was July 4th. Yes. So poetic, it almost doesn’t seem real.
Emma: So crazy. I remember learning about that. This is a little story, but when I toured Thomas Jefferson’s house, it’s called Monticello in Virginia, that like gave me chills hearing that they passed away on the same day and it was 4th of July. That’s just like a really crazy cool little fun fact.
Brittany: It’s wonderful. I love it.
Emma: Yes. Okay, so I’m up, it’s my turn. Yeah. which one do I want here? So this one is kind of a funny one and we’ll see if Brittany is able to get it. We talked at one point about morning routines. Yes. So I just wanna see how of my morning routine is Brittany remembers. A lot of it is pretty basic stuff, so you could just totally guess and get most of it right. But let’s just see how much of it you remember.
Brittany: Dang, It. Dang, it.
Emma: We had a lot in commenting.
Brittany: I know, that’s what I’m trying to remember. But I didn’t think you meditated. I thought that that wasn’t something you did.
Emma: That is correct.
Brittany: Okay. So you don’t
Emma: Meditate. I’m not much of a meditator.
Brittany: do you journal?
Emma: I, well, I don’t know if I would say that’s in my daily routine. I try to, but it’s not like something I’ve fully worked in yet.
Brittany: Gratitude. Do you do gratitude writing?
Emma: Yes. I pray every day. So I think that’s counts.
Brittany: Yeah, I think that counts. Yes. I think prayer counts.
Emma: I try to move around at some point. Hey, you move around yoga a walk, or a workout, so, okay.
Brittany: Well, clearly, I am terrible at this. Emma, why don’t you tell us a few of the things you do.
Emma: There you go. Well, one thing that we had in common is we both drink a big glass of water first thing. Yes. I forgot about that. Before we let ourselves drink any coffee or tea or anything else. So I remembered that. And then, yeah, I try to move around, I try to walk a bit. I, like to read something positive or read my Bible or pray or do something like that other than my email or social media before starting my date puts me in a good frame of mind. But yeah, you, more or less Got it. It’s, you know, it, you’re pretty much there.
Brittany: I did. Ok. Yeah. Alright. So this one might be a little bit tricky if you haven’t written about it all like I did. Cause I don’t think I would know this otherwise, but it is who coined the term creative destruction and what does that term mean? I know we’ve done an episode on this, but we did a few without you on, so we’ll see if you get this one.
Emma: Oh goodness. So the first time I read about Creative Destruction was in a book called The Science of Success, I wanna say by Charles Koch. And I don’t know if he came up with that term because he had some Koch isms that Yes. People would talk about it. So I’m, I don’t think I’m gonna get this one right. But that’s where I first heard that term.
Brittany: Joseph Schumpeter.
Emma: Who there’s an argument
Brittany: Okay? Yeah. I was never gonna who gets that argument on whether or not he’s like an Austrian economist or not. Some people say he is, some people say he wasn’t but So, Joseph Schumpeter is our guy. It was a little bit of a tricky one.
Emma: Okay. That is a tough one. I don’t know. I don’t think I would’ve ever guessed that one.
Brittany: Sorry, I’m pulling out all the fastballs.
Emma: On that. That is okay. That’s totally okay. All right. So here’s one that might be a little bit of a softball for you, because I think you could run circles around me on this, but can you explain what a federal agency is?
Brittany: And I was hoping you weren’t.
Emma: Gonna ask qualifies as a federal agency.
Brittany: Because it’s cause we did that episode and I remember that. But I was thinking today as we were making questions, I’m like, I wouldn’t really know how to define it. So I’m not gonna ask about it, which is funny cuz then you asked me that. So, Federal agency.
Emma: Anything is though the government doesn’t define it either. So it’s kind of like anyone’s guess.
Brittany: Trick question. So what I would say is it’s part of the executive in that it’s like they’re just these things created by people in like the presidential cabinet. So it’s not like, well I guess the legislature has voted on some of them to create some of them. Yeah. Right. Because I think TSA was a legislative thing. I don’t know a department of the government like I know what it is. So it’s a department of a government that takes over like a certain topic. So TSA obviously does airport security. FDA Food and Drug Administration. that’s a terrible, definition. So you help me out here.
Emma: Well, that’s, why I wanted to ask this question cuz it kind of like outrages me a little bit. We don’t even know how many agencies there are because the government does not have a clear, cohesive description or even definition. So they can’t even count how many there are because each, you know, each part of the government has its own way of defining it. So there are hundreds, but we don’t know how many hundreds and they have way more power than they should. And if you wanna hear more about that, you can go back and listen to that episode. We get all fired up about it. So there’s my question. Brittany, what have you got for me now?
Brittany: All right. So this one again might be, I’m glad we both like needed a little help because that doesn’t make me feel as bad about asking this next one cuz this is something that Connor and I are both nerds about. So I don’t know.
Emma: Oh boy.
Brittany: Who is referred to as the father of Propaganda and who also wrote the book called Propaganda.
Emma: I don’t remember his first name, but I believe his last name was Goebbels. Am I saying that right?
Brittany: It’s Goebbels, but no.
Emma: Oh, okay. Am I wrong?
Brittany: Goebbels was not german. So Edward Bernays is the guy who wrote it. Okay. He was not, German. The Germans used this.
Emma: Really?
Brittany: Yes. Okay. So they were heavily influenced by American propaganda. So Goebbels loved Bernays. So, Goebbels wasn’t the father of propaganda. He took all his stuff from Bernays.
Emma: He made it Berns Yes. And made it even worse. Okay. Well, that is good to know. I was wrong on that one. But, at least semi-connected.
Brittany: They were closed. Yes, definitely.
Emma: Okay, good. All right. So here’s what I’ve got for you, Brittany. I know you’re into the personality stuff. Yes. Just like I am. So I wanna quiz you and see if you can name all five personality dimensions off the top of your head, which will be very impressive they can.
Brittany: they’re all different combinations are all the different.
Emma: So, the dimensions, the five personality dimensions, which is kind of the thing that like Tony Peterson talks about.
Brittany: Wait, okay. Yeah, So it’s like neuro, well they vary from test to test. So you have like excuse me, extroversion or introversion, but is that what it would be called? Is that right?
Emma: Yeah. like I’m thinking in that sort of line of thought.
Brittany: Okay. So we’ll do that. And if I am wrong on some of them, like the wording, so like in the Jordan Peterson one, there’s neurosis and there’s like other things. But if we’re just going about Myers-Briggs, so it’s like extroverted or introverted how you perceive the world. So whether you’re like intuitive or like sensory like you just kind of take things for what they are. You’re not like a big-picture person. The next one is like whether you are more of a thinker or a feeler. And then the last one is whether, so the way it’s explained is judge, like judgmental or what is it, perceptive or something like that. But what that really means is are you willing to change your views? Are you willing to like, take new information in and consider other conclusions, or you kind of set in your ways and stuck and not wanting to change? And that could be agreeableness and non agreeableness too. If, if we’re looking at that. So, that’s my attempt.
Emma: Well, there you go. That was pretty good. the ones, that I had, I was just going off a list that we went through and one of the episodes, but it was like extroversion. Agreeableness. Yes. Conscientiousness. Those. So you are, you’re pretty much dead on there.
Brittany: Nice job. I think I couldn’t remember.
Emma: Made that. I’m impressed.
Brittany: This is like I read, too much of them.
Emma: Well, yeah, I was gonna say, Brittany should get this if anyone on earth can.
Brittany: All right, well each asks one more cause I know we’re running out of time here. So let me think of the, I’m not gonna ask you that one. it’ll be nice. alright. Which amendment established the right to a jury trial?
Emma: Would that be, I want to say it’s the sixth, but I don’t feel super confident. That answer.
Brittany: I just google, just to make sure, I thought it was the seventh. How hilarious. Then I was like, you know what? I don’t wanna, oh my goodness. Which one is more Right? I was wrong.
Emma: What? Oh, man.
Brittany: So, seven is, wait, hold on, hold on. Sorry. Listeners, we’ve got some, we’ve got some conflicting information here. Okay. So here’s what it is. Okay. So the sixth Amendment says that you get the right to a speedy public trial by an impartial jury. Now the seventh Amendment basically says you have a right to a jury trial in civil cases. So we are both correct, but, that’ll be like, I want you guys to go research that on your own. Cuz I was surprised by that. I was set to go with the Senate amendment and then Google threw me into Kurt Ball.
Emma: Yeah. My first, inclination because of the famous line I plead the fifth is like, well if it has to do with the jury trial, it’s probably the fifth. And then I was like, no, that’s not it. So yeah, we need to do a little refresher on the bill of rights. We, your refresher on that, everyone could always use a little refresher.
Brittany: All right. You wanna ask your last one?
Emma: Yes. Here’s my last one. It’s a funny one again. why are corn and soybeans in literally everything?
Brittany: Because the government has subsidies, right? They subsidize those industries. So basically we are using our tax dollars to fund things that are actually pretty unhealthy for us. Yes. And that is why you find them. Like, that’s why the ridiculous food pyramid, like the top thing, is like, oh, carbs, like eat all the corn you can because that’s what the government is pumping money into.
Emma: Yep. And the corn industry loves when the government makes us all eat lots of corn. So it’s,
Brittany:I won’t get it now.
Emma: It’s all messed up, man. All right. Well, that was a fun one. Maybe we’ll have to do another one of these in a while and just keep doing these refreshers so that we can make sure that Brittany and I are still remembering everything that we talk about on here. This is good exercise. But as Brittany said, we’re gonna link all of the episodes that we talked about in the show notes. So if you heard anything that you hadn’t heard us talk about before, feel free to check that out and go back and listen. So thanks for joining us today, Brittany. Thanks for quizzing me, and we will talk to you all again soon.
Brittany: Talk to you soon.
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