I saw a video yesterday of Tim Walz doing what was either bad stand-up, or some kind of politicking.
It’s getting pretty hard to tell the difference.
He was ranting about Elon Musk. He was telling people if they have a Tesla, he doesn’t blame them, but they should maybe use some dental floss to pry off the Tesla logo.
The crowd cheers.
Fueled by their approval, (because bumbling sitcom dads will always perform for approval) he waves his phone around and talks about how he put Tesla on his stock tracking app so he can “get a little boost” throughout the day as the stock drops.
More cheers. Tim feels good.
He never articulates what, exactly, he hates so much about Elon Musk, or why he wants him to suffer. He doesn’t have to. Musk is aligned with the “wrong side.” That is enough.
Other leftists are eagerly piling on the Tesla hate and giving a wink and a nod to the vandalism, arson and doxxing going on as the woke mob declares war on Tesla.
So what’s going on?
Why are so many adults unable to make coherent arguments or articulate why they are against something?
It couldn’t possibly be the failure of the public education system to teach children to be functional, intelligent, successful adults, could it?
Trump is planning to sign an executive order instructing Secretary Linda McMahon to begin taking steps to end the Department of Education.
I never thought I would cheer so hard for so many executive orders…
Dismantling the DoE would be one of the most impactful things any president has done in a very long time. I applaud his efforts to return the education of American children back to parents and communities.
So much of the upheaval, anger, and violence we’ve seen across our country in the last several years has been a direct result of adults who only know how to respond to the world with emotional outbursts.
We’re becoming a nation of overgrown rampaging toddlers who throw screaming tantrums and break things when they don’t get their way.
Apologies to actual rampaging toddlers.
A lot of adults have simply never learned to regulate their feelings in response to disappointment, frustration, or anger in appropriate ways, and are stuck in a forever doom-loop of emotional distress.
This is the “participation trophy” generation.
They are grown ups now and are having their tantrums out at the local Tesla showroom – and in the streets, around you and me and our kids, pets, and property.
This is not cute. It’s not funny. It’s not just yelling anymore. Arson is dangerous. It’s political intimidation and it is terrorism.

This emotional dysregulation also makes the perfect foot soldiers for those who seek to shape the world into their own evil agendas – by any means necessary.
Politicians have always preyed on people who can’t manage their feelings and are desperate for belonging—who will eagerly chant slogans, attack others, carry signs, obstruct and destroy. They don’t think, they just react with pure hatred, rage, and violence. No logic. Pure emotion.
History is rife with examples of otherwise unremarkable people who rose to power and did horrible things by manipulating exactly the type of people who are right now destroying Teslas and seething with rage that Elon Musk isn’t in jail.
They can’t coherently tell you why he should be in jail.
But that’s exactly the type of blind hatred and obedience tyrants need to accomplish their evil designs. They can’t control a discerning population that can hear arguments and apply logic and reason. An educated population that recognizes and rejects abject evil is a population in which would-be tyrants remain – unremarkable.
Learn from history so we don’t repeat it!
This is why I’ve devoted the last decade of my life to creating tools for parents like you to inoculate their kids against what Musk calls the “Woke Mind Virus.” We’ve created so many resources to help parents teach their kids about the dangerous people and ideas that have caused the greatest harm in the world.
We believe understanding the past is the best way to protect and preserve our future. From history books and curriculum to The Tuttle Twins Guide to Modern Villains, we give parents the tools they need to teach their kids how to spot the threats to life, liberty, and prosperity, and what to do about it. Or at the very least, how to avoid being part of the problem.
Along those lines, we’re doing something fun RIGHT NOW over on our social media pages.
Our very own March Madness style Spring Showdown of the worst villains of modern history!
We’re pitting 22 of the worst villains against each other in head-to-head matchups in 5 rounds! You guys get to decide who wins the not-so-coveted title of
Worst of the Worst!
You can even fill out a bracket with your guesses! Be sure and post on social media and tag us!
It’s a fun way to learn more about history and these modern villains, and then vote each day for who was the worst in each round.
(Spoiler: a strong case could be made for each to earn the top spot)
If you haven’t added Modern Villains to your library yet, there’s still time to snag it as a reference!
Maybe this is why Tim Walz got under my skin so much the other day…
I’m so sick of seeing weak men encourage people to hate someone who hasn’t done anything wrong. They just happen to be on the other “team”.
I’m sick of seeing so much of the country so emotionally charged they can’t even think. It feels like we’re living on a powder keg…
I hope we can find a way to de-escalate. I hope this period of political volatility comes to a peaceful end, even though history tells us it can get a lot worse before it gets better.
I don’t want my kids (or yours!) to have to live through something like that.
Raising a generation who knows better, who can spot tyranny a mile away, is the only way to have a future where we can all prosper, flourish, and thrive.
Join us! Not only are we changing the world – we’re having a blast doing it!
— Connor