Don’t faint, but I’m about to praise a school.
I know. Crazy. But this is so cool!
A private school in Texas just rocketed its students into the top 2% of the country by doing pretty much the exact opposite of what most schools do.
They embraced innovation.
Instead of cramming kids into desks for six hours a day and drilling them with lectures, they’re using AI tutors to make learning more personal and efficient. Kids only spend about two hours on core subjects because the AI adapts to how each student learns best.
The rest of the day they’re practicing real-world skills like public speaking and financial literacy.
You know, the kind of stuff that actually matters.

I’m definitely not saying that tech is the magic bullet that’ll fix our broken system, but I do think there’s something powerful here. This school wasn’t afraid to toss out the old playbook, and that’s a really good thing.
They saw that what we’ve been doing for decades doesn’t work, and instead of trying to reform it, they totally rebuilt it from the ground up.
That’s the kind of mindset I want to give my kids—the ability to look at the same old stuck ways that everyone else does things and say, “I’m going to do something different.”
The traditional school model doesn’t apply to the real world at all. The real world doesn’t reward people who just follow instructions. It rewards those who see problems and look for ways to solve them—those who find opportunity where everyone else sees obstacles.
That’s why I love The Tuttle Twins and the Education Vacation.
In it, Ethan and Emily’s parents (with the help of the great John Taylor Gatto) realize the traditional school system just isn’t cutting it anymore. Actually, they realize that it never was. What ensues is a family education adventure that leads to the Tuttle family deciding that it’s time to break up with public education, and try a better way.
They discover the truth that learning isn’t something that happens in compartmentalized chunks of time between the hours of 8am and 3pm from ages four to eighteen—it’s something that happens all day, every day, and in every imaginable scenario and situation for a person’s entire life.
That approach to learning is exactly what compulsory education gets so wrong.
The traditional school model is focused on standardizing every kid—trying to cram everyone into the same mold and punishing anyone who doesn’t fit. Instead of encouraging curiosity and creativity, they’re training kids to be compliant and cautious—afraid to make mistakes, and afraid to think differently.
The fallout from a couple of generations of this is pretty obvious.
Just look at the number of young adults who leave school totally unprepared for real life. They’ve been shielded from challenge and protected from discomfort for so long, that when it’s time to stand on their own two feet, they fail.

And that’s not just bad for them—it’s bad for all of us.
Because if bright and prosperous futures are made by movers, shakers, and innovators, we’re on a crash course for something pretty dark and dismal.
Doubling down on doing things that don’t work, just because it’s what we’ve always done is just about the dumbest thing I can imagine. I’m determined to raise my kids to be risk-taking critical thinkers who approach challenges with confidence and curiosity. That’s why I’m so passionate about building resources that help parents teach their kids to think differently about the world and their place in it.
If you’re ready to help your kids think like real-world innovators, you should really check out the Tuttle Twins Academy.
It’s our unique approach to innovative education. We’re not just dumping a bunch of information into your kids’ heads that they’ll forget as soon as they finish their lesson, we’re teaching them how to think critically about the real ideas that make people free, and how to develop skills that actually matter in the real world.
Most importantly, we’re teaching them why the things they’re learning matter, and how they apply to their actual life.
We built the Academy as a tool for parents who want their kids to learn how things really work—without the indoctrination or one-size-fits-all nonsense that’s been failing kids for decades.
With units on entrepreneurship, critical thinking, and understanding the principles that make freedom possible, the Academy gives kids the kind of education they’re not going to find in most schools.
If you’re serious about preparing your kids to thrive in the real world, check out the Tuttle Twins Academy today!
I get so excited whenever I see people making alternatives in education work for the families who use their services. It’s exciting because there are just as many possibilities for education innovation as there are unique children in the world. What works for one person doesn’t work for others, but that’s what makes a personalized approach to education so cool!
I’d love to hear what education alternatives and supplements you’re using to help prepare your kids to be the leaders and innovators of the future. Are you using AI for more than just making awesome images?
I want to know what’s working for you!
— Connor