It’s been a scary week, to say the least. From around the world, we’ve watched in horror as Putin-led Russia launched a military assault on Ukraine. Across news stations, the chilling sounds of bomb sirens and explosions could be heard in live dispatches from Kyiv and across Eastern Europe. Videos of fighter jets, missiles, and armed civilians shooting at tanks have circulated heavily in our social media feeds. In this instant-information age, the world is being reminded once again of the horrors of war. Even as I write this email, the carnage continues into its third day: warfare to this degree has not happened in Europe since World War II. It would seem that many in the political establishment, along with the beltway pundit class, would like us to see this situation as an extension of WWII. Already, I’m beginning to hear establishment figures on both sides of the aisle beat the war drum. Talk of NATO, allies, and “peace through strength” have worked their way back into the conversation. Commentators have already started comparing non-interventionists to Nazi sympathizers. If you remember the discourse regarding our presence in the Middle East over the last 20 years, it’s a tale all too familiar. The not-so-subtle implication that if you oppose the United States acting as a policeman for the rest of the world, you must hate freedom, democracy, and all that is good. Polling shows that only 25% of Americans want their country to get involved in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. But don’t be surprised if our wishes are ignored. The motives of the war machine go far deeper than public opinion — it’s called the military industrial complex for a reason. War, one of our nation’s most powerful corporate and political interests, is a matter of business. I shared on Facebook a couple of days ago that we’ve recently been working on Ukrainian translations for The Tuttle Twins books. We have a network of partners in that country who are helping distribute our books on the ground. And wouldn’t you know… just last week, we finished the Golden Rule book, which teaches the importance of the Non-Aggression Principle and the dangers of blowback. |