But how can we know that for certain? It sounds kinda crazy to assume “Middle Class” joe would be coming for normal families…
Well, for starters, there was an amendment proposed that would have ensured families earning under $400,000 per year wouldn’t be targeted by audits. Every Democrat in the Senate voted against it. It failed.
In fact, new data revealed earlier this year actually found that the poor are 5 times more likely (!) to get audited than everyone else!
“Tax the rich” has officially turned into “tax everyone like they’re rich… and shake them down like criminals until you get every penny.” It’s Sherriff Nottingham on steroids.
And how do the government apologists try and excuse this horrific abuse of power?
“They’re only going after people breaking the law. If you have nothing to hide, you’ll be fine!”
Sound familiar? That’s because it’s the exact same argument we heard from Deep State apologists when the Patriot Act was passed, giving the government the ability to spy on its own people without a warrant. No matter the application, the logic couldn’t be more wrong.
History has shown us time and time again that when the government has the power to deprive people of their privacy, their money, or their other God-given liberties without cause, it will always do so to preserve its own power.
Remember the massive Obama-era scandal in which conservative nonprofits and their employees were targeted by politically-motivated IRS audits? I sure do!
Now, with political tensions and suspicion of citizens far higher, I’m sure nothing could go wrong with an auditing force the size of a literal army… And this job description on their careers page. |