The Fed cut rates. We know what that means.

You know the meme with the little dog sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee while everything around him is on fire? 

That was Jerome Powell earlier this week. And he’s hoping you’ll believe him when he insists that, “This is fine.”

On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates, and while the headlines might be spinning it as a positive move, we’ve been here before. 

Rate cuts like this are never indicators of a strong and healthy economy. In fact, they are always indicators that things are about to get bad. So Jerome Powell and his Fed buddies can lie to us all they want, but the writing is on the wall—clear as day for anyone who actually looks.

Things are, in fact, not “fine.”

comic of dog enjoying coffee surrounded by fire saying This is fine

The economy is struggling, and instead of addressing the root problems, the Fed is resorting to its usual band-aid approach: lower rates, make money “cheaper,” and hope for the best.

Sure, lower interest rates mean it’s easier to borrow for big-ticket items like homes or cars, but it’s a double-edged sword. Because when the Fed makes money too cheap, it distorts the natural balance of the economy. It encourages people and businesses to take on more debt than they can handle, and it fuels risky investments. 

Eventually, bubbles form, and when those bubbles burst, it’s families like ours who bear the brunt.

On top of that, inflation is still eating away at our purchasing power. Everything costs more—groceries, gas, housing. These rate cuts are only going to exacerbate that problem in the long run.

Cheap money doesn’t make the economy stronger; it just delays the inevitable reckoning by kicking the can down the road for our kids to deal with later. It’s the kind of shortsighted thinking that has always created more problems than it solves.

That’s why it’s so important for us to take control of what we can—starting with how we educate our kids. They’re going to inherit this mess, so it’s vital that they understand what’s going on beneath the surface and learn to think critically about the world around them.

This is exactly why we’ve spent so much time developing the Tuttle Twins books, shows, curriculum, and now, our Tuttle Twins TV Season Two Graphic Novel Boxed Set. 

These aren’t your run-of-the-mill comic books. They introduce kids to big ideas like inflation, government overreach, and how real free markets work. It’s the kind of stuff they won’t learn in school, but absolutely need if they’re going to make sense of the world they’re growing up in. 

If you order the Season Two Graphic Novel Boxed Set before Monday, we’re throwing in a free DVD of Season Two!

That means your kids can enjoy watching the episodes they love while following along in the graphic novels.

The Fed’s latest move just underscores how much we can’t rely on government institutions to solve the problems they’ve created. But we can raise a generation that’s informed, empowered, and capable of turning things around.

And that starts with making sure they understand the principles of sound economics, personal responsibility, and true liberty.

We’re doing all we can to ensure that the kids who read our books are prepared for whatever the future holds.

Thanks for letting us help!

— Connor


Protect Your Kids Today

There are many subtle ways that socialist ideas are being introduced, taught, and reinforced directly to your children.

Our e-book walks through several examples to help raise your attention to this agenda so you can help your children avoid being indoctrinated to support the state.


(AGE 5-11)

Our American History Books + Curriculum





Hopefully Santa gives these out this year. Best gift to help counter the elementary school propaganda. #tuttletwins


When ur bedtime story teaches ur girl about the federal reserve & what a crock of crap it is. Vocab words: Medium of exchange & fiat currency. #tuttletwins for the win

Maribeth Cogan

“My just-turned-5 year old told me he is planning to read all the #TuttleTwins books today. It’s 10AM on Saturday and he’s already on his third. #Homeschooling ftw.”