Holy smokes. What is going on with the Secret Service?!
Imagine closing your business for the day, only to return and find someone had covered your security cameras before breaking in and helping themselves to your bathroom.
That’s exactly what happened to Alicia Powers, a salon owner in Massachusetts. But instead of calling the cops and having the criminals arrested, she just had to accept the violation because the perpetrators were the U.S. Secret Service.
Ahead of a Harris rally, agents decided they could just stroll into her salon without permission, cover her security cameras with tape, and use her bathroom like it was a public facility.
They apparently even allowed others in to use the bathroom, gaggle at her counter helping themselves to a candy dish, and generally just hang out.
Then, as a “thank you,” they left the place unlocked.
Nothing says “public servant” quite like eminent-domaining a private business.

This flagrant disregard for private property is just another reminder that the government is not your friend.
When those in power trample on individual rights without consequence, it sets a dangerous precedent.
We know and understand that private property is a cornerstone of freedom, but with the normalization of government disregard for this most basic human right, I wonder how many kids are growing up thinking stuff like this is just no big deal.
This is the same mindset we’ve seen in ideas like the World Economic Forum’s “You’ll own nothing, and be happy” slogan. It reflects a troubling trend where individual rights are sidelined by those in power with no regard for the people affected, and worse, with people being brainwashed into thinking that the government has the right to do stuff like this.
This is why it’s so critical to teach our kids about the importance of private property and understanding their rights. Knowing these things empowers them to recognize when something isn’t right, and have the courage to do something about it.
Last year, we wrote The Tuttle Twins Guide to True Conspiracies as a way to help families understand the true stories of governments behaving terribly. From false flag operations, to medical experimentation, to gunrunning operations and more, we wanted to tell the stories the powers-that-be have tried really hard to keep hidden.
We know how important it is to understand history so we don’t keep repeating its mistakes. And unfortunately, the government has a long ugly history of doing terrible things to the people it is supposed to be serving.
We also know the importance of taking the lessons from the past and applying them to the events we are witnessing today—that’s why we created our Tuttle Times magazine. It’s a monthly subscription that delivers Tuttle Twins takes on the things happening right now so that families can have meaningful discussions about the things they’re seeing on the news every night.
We want kids to have the tools to think critically about the stories they hear, so that they can better understand the world around them. By equipping the next generation with this knowledge, we empower them to navigate a world where their rights and freedoms will always be challenged.
Teaching kids to value private property and understand their rights is about more than just protecting what’s theirs—it’s about instilling in them the knowledge and confidence to question so-called authority, and to know when and how defend their liberties.
Because if there’s anything we know for certain, it’s that the government will absolutely take things as far as their citizenry will allow.
We want to help parents raise a generation of kids who have the courage to say, “It ends with us!”
Thanks for letting us be part of the important work you’re doing.
— Connor