I’m writing this morning from one of the rooms in the infamous Jekyll Island Club Resort on Jekyll Island, Georgia!
Our awesome illustrator, Elijah, summed up the feeling nicely when he remarked that this place feels like a mix of The Great Gatsby and an episode of Scooby Doo. He’s right… when the fog hangs low under the Spanish moss-covered trees its easy to imagine a creature lurking somewhere along the swampy shoreline.
Perhaps the Creature from Jekyll Island… 😉
The Tuttle Twins team is here at the Mises Institute Supporters Summit, so I’m writing this in between awesome talks by anti-Fed freedom fighters—I’ve got to hurry and get back to it because I don’t want to miss anything, but I wanted to give you all a little peek at what we’re up to!
Last night we toured the Federal Reserve room where the wealthy elite of the early twentieth century met secretly to draft their plan to bring all of America into financial slavery. I wondered for a moment if they really knew how terrible a thing they were doing, but was brought back to my senses when I read this story, written by one of the attendees, which was framed and mounted on the wall:
At the train in New York…
We were told to leave our last names behind us. We were told, further, that we should avoid dining together on the night of our departure. We were instructed to come one at a time and as unobtrusively as possible to the railroad terminal on the New Jersey littoral of the Hudson, where Senator Aldrich’s private car would be in readiness, attached to the rear of a train for the South.
Congress, after 1907, had realized that something had to be done to strengthen our banking system. Senator Aldrich was on the whole the best informed and the most dominant man in Congress on financial measures. He became increasingly concerned about the report he must wrote on behalf of the joint monetary commission; likewise there out to be, he knew, a bill to present to the new Congress and none had been drafted. This was how it happened that a group of us went with him to the Jekyll Island Club on the coast of Georgia. It would have been fatal to Senator Aldrich’s plan to have it known that he was calling on anybody from Wall Street to help him in preparing his report.
When I came to that car the blinds were down and only slender threads of amber light showed the shape of the windows. Once aboard the private car we began to observe the taboo that had been fixed on last names… We proceeded, in the rear room of that private car, to get to work as soon as the train was moving. That first discussion of the banking structure and of what out to be done about it produced scraps of ideas as formless as the contents of a rag-bag. Ever one had some little piece of a project to throw on the table for discussion and every one’s pet scheme encountered some other fellow’s objection.
The on
to Jekyll…
We were taken by boat from the mainland to Jekyll Island and for a week or ten days were completely secluded…
We put in the most intense period of work that I have ever had. Sometimes Davison and Strong would be up at day-break to get a horseback ride, or a swim before breakfast, but right after breakfast the six of us would gather around the table and resume where our discussion had ended the previous midnight.
We lived during those days on Jekyll Island at the biggest pitch of intellectual awareness that I have ever experienced. It was entirely thrilling.
Now, although the Aldrich Federal Reserve plan was defeated when it bore the name of Aldrich, nevertheless its essential points were all contained in the plan that finally was adopted… There can be no question about it: Aldrich undoubtedly laid the essential, fundamental lines which finally to the form of the Federal Reserve law (three years later).
From Farm Boy to Financier by Frank A. Vanderlip (1935)
So yeah… It was all totally sinister and clandestine. Yuck.
Still, it’s really cool to get to be here and to walk through the same halls that the men who took it upon themselves to decide how the rest of us peasants should live walked.
It’s always kind of surprising to find out how many people don’t even know the history of the Federal Reserve. It could be argued that there isn’t a law that has had more of an individual impact on each American for over a hundred years now—and yet it’s never talked about in school, and most people simply remain ignorant.
Even as we’ve walked around and talked to folks who work here at the resort—no one really knows about that secret meeting, and if they do, they certainly don’t understand why it was such a big deal!
So we figured that the best way to commemorate our Jekyll Island trip was to offer a huge discount on The Tuttle Twins and the Creature from Jekyll Island. The only way to combat ignorance is to feed it knowledge—that’s pretty much our whole mission with the Tuttle Twins books!
So for the rest of the month, and in honor of the the secret meeting at Jekyll Island and our desire to make it infamous, use coupon code CREATURE to snag The Tuttle Twins and the Creature from Jekyll Island for only $2.99! (So be sure to buy in bulk to give copies away!)
Consider it a Halloween gift from the Tuttle Twins Team.
Because is there anything scarier than the Federal Reserve?!
— Connor