Biden, Vaccine Tyranny, and Your Family

Yesterday, Joe Biden announced a new executive order. Its core demand was that businesses with 100 or more employees require vaccination of their workforce against Covid-19.

Many of us have been warning about such a stroke of tyranny for a long time… even so, it’s pretty horrifying to see our most cynical predictions become a reality.

It’s a bit long, but I encourage each of you to watch yesterday’s Presidential address in its entirety. Not because it will be fun, but because you need to know just how much disdain the leader of the free world harbors for those who defy his wishes.

“This is not about freedom or personal choice,” he snapped from his podium. “It’s about protecting yourself and those around you, the people you work with, the people you care about, the people you love…

“We’ve been patient. But our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us.”

The thing is, Mr. President, it is about freedom. It is about personal choice.

And speaking of, choices aren’t refused—they’re chosen. The word “refusal” indicates defiance of force…But I guess you can tell by the treatment of those who “choose wrong” that we were never really meant to have a choice.

This phenomenon is hardly isolated to the issue of vaccine mandates. Our government inundates us with false “choices” that aren’t really choices. We see it in our tax code, our education system, our foreign policy, and just about everything else the government has power over… Which is, ahem, a lot.

The state of our society is disheartening to say the least. But as parents, we have an opportunity and responsibility to talk to our kids about the world around them, even when it’s hard. Especially when it’s hard.

I started writing books for kids to help parents tackle this challenge. Raising kids who think critically and fight for what’s right is easier said than done, and there aren’t many resources out there for people who see the world the way you and I do.

The problem is, I can’t write a new children’s book every time something crazy pops up in the news. Printing presses are fast, but they’re not that fast… and Elijah and I can only churn out so much at once.

This is one of the big reasons we launched a Tuttle Twins podcast. This medium allows us to address important topical issues more frequently than our books can, for which I’m grateful.

But wouldn’t it be nice if there was another way the Tuttle Twins team could reach your kids to talk about current affairs? Something that would allow us to break down hot topics with fact-based information and the principles that matter… And maybe even have some fun doing it?

That question has been on my mind for years, and our team has been hard at work over the last few months to come up with an answer.

Want to hear more? Keep an eye on your inbox this Monday…



Protect Your Kids Today

There are many subtle ways that socialist ideas are being introduced, taught, and reinforced directly to your children.

Our e-book walks through several examples to help raise your attention to this agenda so you can help your children avoid being indoctrinated to support the state.


(AGE 5-11)

Our American History Books + Curriculum





Hopefully Santa gives these out this year. Best gift to help counter the elementary school propaganda. #tuttletwins


When ur bedtime story teaches ur girl about the federal reserve & what a crock of crap it is. Vocab words: Medium of exchange & fiat currency. #tuttletwins for the win

Maribeth Cogan

“My just-turned-5 year old told me he is planning to read all the #TuttleTwins books today. It’s 10AM on Saturday and he’s already on his third. #Homeschooling ftw.”