Aliens 2024?

Dear Earthlings we're just trying to help

Well, America survived another year. Phew.

Sometimes I worry.

This week, I rewatched the classic Independence Day with the fam. As the suspense built, and the ship hovered over the White House, I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe the aliens were actually just trying to help us?

I mean, have you seen the list of grievances our Founding Fathers had against King George III? Compared to what we’re dealing with today, those colonial complaints seem almost quaint.

When the Founders declared independence, they didn’t just say, “Hey, we’re out!” They meticulously listed 27 grievances against King George III in the Declaration of Independence. Here are a few highlights:

  1. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
  2. He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance.
  3. He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
  4. For imposing taxes on us without our Consent.

These were the sparks that ignited the revolutionary flame.

If we were to draft a modern-day declaration, what grievances would we list about our current government’s actions? Here are just a few:

  1. Mass Surveillance: Our privacy is constantly invaded by mass data collection. Remember the days when you didn’t have to worry about your phone listening to you?
  2. Excessive Taxation: Taxes seem to grow every year, funding programs and wars many of us disagree with. Where’s the representation for our hard-earned money?
  3. Regulatory Overreach: From telling us what kind of light bulbs to use to dictating school curriculums, the government’s reach into our daily lives is unprecedented.
  4. Erosion of Rights: Whether it’s free speech zones or the right to bear arms, many feel our constitutional rights are being chipped away.
  5. Government Debt: Our national debt is skyrocketing, mortgaging our children’s future. It’s like we’re all stuck in a bad credit card commercial.

Understanding history isn’t just about knowing dates and events; it’s about learning from the things that happened in the past, and applying that knowledge to help shape the present.

Our Founding Fathers understood the importance of standing up against tyranny, but it seems that most Americans today don’t know tyranny when it’s taking almost half their paycheck, sending billions of dollars to fight proxy wars overseas, and making it nearly impossible for them to start a business. 

The grievances of the past teach us about the principles we must defend today. But how do we defend them if we don’t even know what they are?

Our America’s History books and curriculum are designed to provide a comprehensive, meaningful look at our nation’s past—from the Silk Road to the Revolution.

These resources help kids understand the roots of our freedoms and the importance of safeguarding them. They learn that liberty isn’t just a historical concept but a living, breathing part of our daily lives that must be protected and cherished.

What grievances would you add to a modern-day Declaration that I didn’t mention?

Have you been personally victimized by government red tape and regulations?

Are you ready to vote Aliens 2024?

I’d love to hear from you.

— Connor


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Maribeth Cogan

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