Lesson 1
Have you ever felt overwhelmed, afraid, or anxious? How about happy, hopeful, or giddy? Emotions are a huge part of being human, but how you deal with them can make or break your future. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” That statement could be distilled further to say no can make you feel something without your consent.
Before you freak out about that, take a deep breath. Literally. But we’ll get to that later. I know that practically every message you hear these days is all about how your emotions are you. We’ve got billboards that say “love yourself first.” Hmm…. How would the Civil War have gone if all those men had loved themselves first? Throughout history, we find inspiration in the way heroes selflessly stood for what was right.
Hint: they knew something most of our culture is missing. The way you feel is not the sum of you. You can and should be aware of how emotions affect you and funnel those emotions into useful tools to enhance your life.
Just like a cowboy needed a horse to conquer the Wild West, you need your emotions to make it through life! But, if those emotions are allowed to run wild, they will take you to places you don’t want to go. You alone are the one who needs to train your emotions. No one can make you, but the decision will set the boundaries of your future!
Discovering your emotional home is the first step on your journey to emotional intelligence. Knowing what home is lets you recognize what you’d like to change (new furniture, anyone?), and it also lets you identify when something is “off” in your world. Armed with these tools, you will be ready to saddle up!
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