Adopt a Congressman: Time to Educate Capitol Hill (And Your Kids!)

Adopt a Congressman newsletter cover

I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry, but here we are.  John Kerry just said that the First Amendment—yes, *that* First Amendment—is a “major block” to fighting disinformation. Asked what could be done to curb the spread of disinformation about climate change, Kerry said:  “You know there’s a lot of discussion now about how you curb […]

Employers have a message for Gen Z: We’re not your parents!

Well, it’s finally happening. Employers are on a Gen Z firing spree, letting brand new employees go mere months after hiring them. In fact, new research shows that a whopping six in ten companies that hired fresh college grads this year have already sent many of them packing.  It’s not because these kids aren’t “smart,” they’ve […]

The message is clear: Accept the narrative, or else.

Happy Wednesday!  Well, Happy Wednesday to everyone but Alex Jones who is, I’m pretty sure, not having a very happy day. Isn’t it crazy how sometimes things can turn from a laughing matter to something deadly serious in almost an instant. The Alex Jones story is, to me, a perfect example of this. It used […]

They say “indoctrination” like it’s a bad thing…

Have you ever noticed how critics love to throw the word “indoctrination” around when it comes to parenting your kids in a way that isn’t in line with the mainstream? According to them, if we dare to teach our kids about freedom, entrepreneurship, or even how to spot bias in the world around them, it’s […]

The Fed cut rates. We know what that means.

You know the meme with the little dog sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee while everything around him is on fire?  That was Jerome Powell earlier this week. And he’s hoping you’ll believe him when he insists that, “This is fine.” On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates, and while the […]

Are we living in two parallel realities?

Are we living in parallel realities

Happy Wednesday! Have you ever had one of those moments where you’re talking with someone—maybe even a friend or family member—and it hits you that you’re living in two totally different worlds? Let’s say you’re at a family dinner, and someone proudly announces their kid just got accepted to a top public university. The room […]

The Constitution Neither Grants Nor Guarantees our Rights

This might be hard to read. Please don’t hate me. Even the most patriotic among us were taught—and still believe in—a fairy-tale version of American history. It’s a narrative intentionally woven to create a sense of religious reverence and loyalty to the powerful national government we now live under. But this feel-good version of history […]

Tomorrow Is Constitution Day! Here’s a FREE Gift to Celebrate!

Sept 16 newsletter cover for Constitution Day

Happy Monday! Tomorrow is Constitution Day—a day set aside to celebrate the founding of our country’s government. But let’s be honest: most of us probably didn’t learn much more about this event than “We the People” and a handful of dates in school. Thankfully, the real story of our country’s founding is far more interesting […]

How a secret meeting off the Georgia coast changed your life

What if I told you that a small, secret meeting over a hundred years ago still impacts the money in your pocket today? It’s a little-known chapter of American history that’s been purposely swept under the rug, but it’s a story you need to hear. It all starts with a man named Nelson Aldrich. You […]

Are you better off today than you were four years ago?

September 11 newsletter cover

Last night’s debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump was another stark reminder of one undeniable truth: the real loser in all of this is us—the American people. I don’t know who “won” the debate, but I do know who definitely didn’t: you, me, and the millions of Americans who had to watch this spectacle […]