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Stay up-to-date on Tuttle Twins sales and product launches while reading Connor’s takes on current events and how to create a freer world.

What Happens When the Wealth Creators Shrug?

Did you see what happened in Norway? Their government decided to raise its wealth tax, expecting this new policy to pull in an additional $146 million each year.  Somehow, they were shocked when the opposite happened.  Instead of more revenue, they got an exodus. Norway’s wealthiest people, representing a whopping $54 billion in assets, packed […]

Playing It Safe Won’t Build the Future

In political battle, most CEOs stay on the sidelines. It makes sense to a degree—they’re not political creatures. They have a corporate mission and a responsibility to shareholders. They focus on their work and stay in their lane. But it also doesn’t make sense given how intrusive the government is, and can be, in their […]

How Modern Villains Use the Law Against You

I’ve been thinking lately about power.  Specifically, about how power is maintained—not through elections or by consent, but by twisting the law into a weapon.  The strategy is simple: create so many rules, regulations, and technicalities that everyone becomes a criminal without even knowing it. That way, when someone steps out of line (when they […]

Land of the Free (where we’re not actually free to produce)

How to tell if society is doomed

Happy Monday! The election is just a few weeks away, and I can’t help but notice how the loudest voices—those pushing for more control, more regulations, and more interference—always seem to be the people who have never contributed anything of real value to the world.  It’s frustrating to see, and it brings to mind one […]

Masks are off. They’re coming for free speech.

Remember a couple of years ago, when the message of the petty tyrants and their supporters was, “It’s a private company, they can do whatever they want!” any time someone got booted off social media for stepping outside the approved narrative? The loudest voices were cheering on Big Tech’s decisions to silence whoever didn’t toe […]

Inflation Isn’t Just About Prices—It’s Happening in Higher Ed Too

Have you ever noticed how, whenever prices start rising, politicians point the finger at “corporate greed”? They want us to believe that, overnight, companies suddenly decide they can charge you more for groceries, gas, or pretty much everything you buy. Give me a break.  Inflation isn’t caused by businesses trying to pad their profits—it’s caused […]

When Government Fails, The Real Heroes Step Up

As the world watches the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, it’s painfully clear once again that the government is not, in fact, here to help. Stories of delays in aid, bureaucratic red tape, and confusion among federal agencies abound. At best it’s gross incompetence. At worst, well… at worst it’s pretty evil.  Instead of focusing on […]

$275 Billion in the Red—in Just One Day!

If you’ve been following the numbers—and even if you haven’t—it’s hard to ignore the financial storm clouds gathering over the United States. On the first day of the new fiscal year, federal debt skyrocketed by an eye-watering $204 billion, setting a new record at $35.669 trillion. But wait! There’s more! In addition to racking up […]

Politicians depend on a dumbed-down public: Don’t give them what they want!

VP debate split screen

Happy Wednesday! Last night’s debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz was a masterclass in political theater with Vance, by all accounts, winning the debate handily. Even the mainstream media isn’t trying to spin it away.  I have long abandoned any belief (if I ever had any to begin with) in politicians overall. I am generally […]