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For older and younger kids we also have ...

Story Books For Teens

Our story books for teenagers (and pre-teens and young adults) feature a series of adventures where the readers control the story! With 37 total story endings between the five books, your kids will be able to observe the outcomes of different economic and political situations that Ethan and Emily—age 15 in this new book series—encounter and have to figure out.


Family Card Game

Our Tuttle Twins books inspire children to learn the ideas of a free society — and now with our collaborative story game, the entire family can participate! Part entertaining and part educational, this game gives families an opportunity to use familiar characters, settings, and concepts to create their own Tuttle Tales! But be ready for it — this game is full of twists, since the Action Cards may totally change the game in silly, unexpected ways! It's sure to elicit laughs and help your children recall — and better understand — the concepts they've been learning about in the Tuttle Twins books. Here are the instructions for the game. Here is a video that explains how the game works.


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