With inflation soaring, is old-school bartering making a comeback?

Introduction The current monetary system can be complex, involving banks, buyers, sellers, and governments. While modern digital currencies have taken centuries to develop, the concept of currency originated from bartering – trading goods or services without the aid of a medium of exchange. Although bartering has benefits, it has limitations as not everyone needs what others are willing to trade. Thus, currency emerged as the preferred medium of exchange for most nations. However, currency has its drawbacks, including depreciation and instability, which has led to a grassroots revival of the bartering system. This essay will discuss the evolution of exchange from bartering to currency and the potential for a resurgence of the bartering system.


Bartering involves trading goods or services for something needed or wanted without a medium of exchange such as currency. In a bartering arrangement, the goods are usually exchanged at the time of the agreement, allowing both parties to negotiate and walk away happy. The advantages of bartering include the simplicity of the transaction and the reciprocal nature of the transaction. However, the limitation of bartering is that not everyone needs what others are willing to trade. Finding someone who wants your product or service and has what you need or want can be difficult, making bartering less practical as civilizations progressed.


Currency emerged as the preferred medium of exchange for most nations, with fiat currencies backed by the government. Currency has several advantages, including immediate spending, easy carrying, and easy valuation of goods and services. Currency also facilitates business transactions, including international trade, allowing people and companies to participate in other countries’ markets. However, currency has limitations, including depreciation, which is caused by inflation and poor monetary policies.

When inflation hits, the inflation rate may be higher than the bank’s interest rate on stored money, resulting in the loss of value. This instability creates instability in the economy, leading to job loss, income loss, and abnormal growth of big businesses. Additionally, currency depreciation means that goods and services cost more, causing people to hoard money instead of investing it, creating a gap in the lending and real estate markets.

Revival of Bartering

Despite the drawbacks of currency, most nations still rely on it to buy and sell goods and services globally. However, there has been a shift in people’s perception of how the economy works. Many no longer have faith in the government and are seeking alternate ways to become self-reliant, leading to a grassroots revival of the bartering system. People are offering services in trade for goods and vice versa, creating a cottage industry for homemade and homegrown products and services. Products and services are being posted on social media and local newspapers. Friends and neighbors are once again bartering for homemade bread, woodworking skills, and a plethora of other things they deem beneficial to others.

There will always be a need for some type of medium of exchange. Currency may still be the answer, but judging from the number of people considering the benefits of bartering, money may have to share the stage. Bartering will never take the place of money, but it will certainly make its presence known. Despite the limitations of bartering, it offers a practical solution for people who have goods or services that others need or want, allowing them to become self-reliant and create a cottage industry for homemade and homegrown products and services.

So, what do you have to barter? More than you might think!

If you’re interested in learning more about the history of money and how our current monetary system works, we recommend checking out The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin. This book provides an in-depth look at the creation of the Federal Reserve and its impact on our economy.

Additionally, for younger readers, the Tuttle Twins series by Connor Boyack offers an engaging and informative introduction to economic principles, including the history of money. These books are a great way to teach kids about the importance of sound money and the dangers of government intervention in the economy.

There’s even a kids’ version of G. Edward Griffin’s book called, The Tuttle Twins and the Creature from Jekyll Island so you and your kids can learn side-by-side! Check it out today!


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Hopefully Santa gives these out this year. Best gift to help counter the elementary school propaganda. #tuttletwins


When ur bedtime story teaches ur girl about the federal reserve & what a crock of crap it is. Vocab words: Medium of exchange & fiat currency. #tuttletwins for the win

Maribeth Cogan

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