Our society is really struggling these days.
One of the places it can be most clearly seen is in the workforce, with a serious issue of unskilled and lackluster laborers—particularly in entry level jobs. Employers and workers alike seem to be at their wits end as expectations for high hourly wages creates a schism between employees and their management.
Businesses of every type are searching for capable employees with Help Wanted signs dotting the windows and doors of many workplaces. Employers train new employees only to have them not show up for work, or spend their shift filming TikToks about the hardships of employment.
You may call me a boomer here, but it seems like we have a serious work ethic problem.
A strong work ethic involves a standard of behavior regarding what is and isn’t acceptable in the workplace, and a desire to be rewarded based on merit. But having a good work ethic isn’t just important at the workplace; it benefits people at home, and in school as well. Only a rare few are born possessing a good work ethic—for most it is a learned behavior that comes through sacrifice and discipline.
Teaching children the value of a strong work ethic is crucial for their development and success in life. It’s best done at home, where parents and loved ones can guide them using their own values and standards as examples. A strong work ethic has been the foundation of our society since its inception, and it’s just as important today as it was then. By instilling these principles in your children, you can help them understand the importance of developing a strong work ethic, whether working in the home, for others or as entrepreneurs.
Here are some attributes of people with a strong work ethic. As you read, consider how you can incorporate these traits into your life, and how you can teach your children to model them:
Why does Integrity Matter?
Integrity is an essential aspect of a strong work ethic. It means having strong moral principles and adhering to them in all situations. A person with integrity is unwavering in their values and cannot be bought or swayed. They make good choices and are trustworthy, respectful, and likely to be successful in their endeavors. To cultivate integrity, it’s important to practice these principles daily.
Being a person of integrity is important, but it can be tough to stick to your values and principles all the time. One way to work on it is by being consistent in your actions and words, practice what you preach. It’s easy to delude ourselves, so be honest with yourself, reflect on your own behavior and hold yourself accountable for your actions and decisions, acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them. Lastly, try to surround yourself with people who have integrity, they can be a great source of inspiration and learning.
Honesty Really is the Best Policy
Honesty is the practice of being truthful and not deceiving others. It involves refraining from lying, cheating, or stealing. It means being genuine in your words and actions. The more honest you are, the more trust people will have in you. Honesty also includes being willing to admit when you are wrong and speaking up when something is not right. It requires standing up for your beliefs. While it can be challenging to always be honest, making an effort to do so each day can lead to building trust and strong relationships, both in business and personal life, as well as with family.
Being honest can be tough, but it’s worth it. One way to work on it is by listening more and talking less. Take the time to understand the other person’s point of view and be honest and direct in your communication with them. Owning up to your mistakes is a big part of honesty, it shows humility and that you’re willing to admit when you’re wrong. It’s also important to be honest with yourself, don’t avoid the truth and take a moment to reflect on your own behavior. Lastly, try to be straightforward in your communication, avoid sugarcoating or being vague, it’ll make it easier for others to trust you.
Taking Responsibility: The Importance of Accountability
Accountability and responsibility go hand in hand. When you are accountable, you take ownership of your actions and decisions, which includes admitting to mistakes, but also taking credit for your successes. It also means following through on commitments and being present when and where you said you would be.
Think about what it means to really own your actions and decisions. This includes admitting when you make mistakes, but also taking credit when things go well. It also means following through on your commitments and showing up when and where you said you would.
One way to work on this is to be real with yourself and others about what you can handle. If you know you won’t be able to make a meeting or finish a project on time, let people know as soon as possible. Take responsibility for it and come up with a plan to fix it.
Another way is to own up to your mistakes and learn from them instead of blaming others. This shows that you take accountability for your actions. Lastly, try to set clear and specific goals for yourself and hold yourself accountable for reaching them. For example, if you want to save more money, set a specific amount you want to save each month and track your progress. If you fall short, don’t beat yourself up, just adjust your plan and keep working on it.
The Power of Self-discipline
Self-discipline is an essential component of a strong work ethic. It enables you to have control over your actions and reactions, allowing you to work hard and stay in control of situations. It also helps in overcoming addictions and reinforce good habits for oneself and others.
Try setting daily goals and sticking to them. Make a schedule and stick to it, even if it means saying no to other things. Having a routine and sticking to it can help you develop self-discipline. Avoid procrastination, tackle the most important tasks first. Another tip is to practice mindfulness and meditation. It can help you focus and be more self-aware.
Humility in Leadership and in Life

Humility is an important principle of a strong work ethic. It is not about having a low opinion of yourself, rather it is about putting your achievements and abilities in perspective. Being humble means having a modest view of yourself, and setting aside any feelings of superiority or arrogance. It is important to practice humility as it allows us to admit when we are wrong and be more in tune with the feelings of others.
One way to improve in this area is to listen more and talk less. When in a conversation or meeting, make an effort to listen actively and understand the perspectives of others. Try to avoid interrupting and instead, wait for your turn to speak. Additionally, try to give credit where credit is due, whether it’s in a team project or in a presentation. Acknowledge the contributions of others and be willing to admit when you need help or when you don’t know something. A great way to develop humility is to volunteer or help others, it helps to put things in perspective and gain a new perspective on life. Lastly, try to be open to feedback and criticism, it can be difficult to hear criticism, but it’s an opportunity to improve and grow.
As you work on improving your work ethic, you’ll see how it can not only help you but also strengthen your family. Teaching your kids to have good work ethic will set them up for success now and in the future. To help introduce these concepts to your kids, check out the Tuttle Twins book like The Tuttle Twins and the Search for Atlas and The Tuttle Twins and the Golden Rule.