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Defending Autonomy: Human Rights and the Individual in a Free Society

As human beings, we all possess unique characteristics and talents that make us individuals. Our ability to direct ourselves is known as autonomy, which is the foundation of achieving our highest potential. Autonomy means self-rule or self-governing, which allows us to express our hopes, dreams, and make choices that are not limited by others, while also developing our unique personality and skills. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of autonomy in human rights and freedom and how it affects society.

Defining Autonomy

Autonomy is the right of an individual to govern themselves and make decisions for their own life. This concept is derived from the Greek words “auto,” meaning self, and “nomos,” meaning law or custom. Autonomy gives individuals the opportunity to achieve their full potential, develop their unique personality and skills, and make choices that are not limited by others. It is a basic human right, as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others.

Autonomy and Human Rights

Personal autonomy and human rights are intertwined, and one cannot exist without the other. The US Constitution, through the 14th Amendment, requires the government, including the court system, to respect and uphold the human rights of individuals. The amendment states that no state shall make or enforce any law that abridges the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States, nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

Autonomy and Limitations

Although autonomy is a basic human right, it can be limited by cultural and traditional beliefs, legal restrictions, poor health, financial problems, domination by another person or system, or being a child under the direction of a parent. These limitations take away basic human rights, which in turn rob a person or society of their autonomy.

Legal Cases and Autonomy

The conflict between promoting autonomy and the common good is challenging for many people, courts, and lawmakers. Cases such as gun control and government collection of digital metadata on citizens have strong arguments on both sides of the issue. The courts have supported individual rights at times, as in the Pennsylvania case of Hon. William S Stickman IV, County of Butler v Thomas W Wolf, where he stated, “The Constitution cannot accept the concept of a “new normal” where the basic liberties of the people can be subordinated to open-ended emergency mitigation measures.” Other times the courts have limited our autonomy, our individual rights in support of so-called “public safety” and the more important good.

Defending Autonomy

As American citizens, we must be united in the belief that all people have certain inalienable rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, we must pursue or go after our happiness, and not expect it to come from government programs or taking it from another person. When the government nullifies our autonomy for “the common good,” we should hold them accountable.

We can make the facts known, alert people of the dangers of giving away our personal freedom, demand legislatures to reconvene to address overreaches, and use social media outlets to inform people. We can write or text our elected officials to inform them of overreaches and take legal action, such as filing lawsuits or starting a campaign or initiative to encourage citizens to contact their representative over issues. We must also question the “facts” and find the truths.

Fighting for Autonomy

When our autonomy is threatened, we need to be prepared to fight for it. There are several steps we can take to protect our rights and freedoms.

  1. Spread Awareness: It is essential to raise awareness about the issue at hand. We need to use social media, YouTube, and other platforms to share information and alert people to the dangers of giving up our personal freedom.
  2. Demand Action: It’s crucial to let our elected representatives know that we demand action. We can write or text them, sign petitions, and participate in webinars to express our concerns.
  3. Take Legal Action: In extreme cases, we may need to take legal action to protect our autonomy. Filing lawsuits can be a powerful way to hold those in power accountable and protect our rights.
  4. Start a Campaign: Starting a campaign or initiative can encourage citizens to contact their representatives and voice their concerns. By working together, we can create a groundswell of support for protecting our autonomy.
  5. Question the “Facts”: It’s crucial to question the information presented to us and find the truth. We must be willing to look beyond the surface level and dig deeper to find the facts.


Autonomy is a fundamental human right that must be protected. It’s what makes us unique individuals, and it’s what allows us to achieve our highest potential. But with this right comes responsibility. We must not infringe on the rights of others, and we must be aware of situations that limit our autonomy.

When our autonomy is threatened, we must be prepared to fight for it. We can spread awareness, demand action, take legal action, start campaigns, and question the “facts” to protect our autonomy.

As American citizens, we must hold our lawmakers accountable and ensure that our government is of the people, by the people, and for the people. We are the people, and we have the power to make a difference. Let’s use that power to protect our autonomy and the autonomy of future generations.

The Tuttle Twins books are designed to teach children about important concepts such as individual rights, free markets, and the dangers of government overreach. Each book in the series focuses on a different topic and uses engaging stories and colorful illustrations to help children understand complex ideas in a fun and accessible way.

If you’re interested in teaching your children about these important topics, consider checking out the Tuttle Twins books. They can be a valuable resource for parents who want to help their children understand the importance of individual rights and the role of government in society.


Protect Your Kids Today

There are many subtle ways that socialist ideas are being introduced, taught, and reinforced directly to your children.

Our e-book walks through several examples to help raise your attention to this agenda so you can help your children avoid being indoctrinated to support the state.


(AGE 5-11)

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Hopefully Santa gives these out this year. Best gift to help counter the elementary school propaganda. #tuttletwins


When ur bedtime story teaches ur girl about the federal reserve & what a crock of crap it is. Vocab words: Medium of exchange & fiat currency. #tuttletwins for the win

Maribeth Cogan

“My just-turned-5 year old told me he is planning to read all the #TuttleTwins books today. It’s 10AM on Saturday and he’s already on his third. #Homeschooling ftw.”