Are we living in two parallel realities?

Are we living in parallel realities

Happy Wednesday!

Have you ever had one of those moments where you’re talking with someone—maybe even a friend or family member—and it hits you that you’re living in two totally different worlds?

Let’s say you’re at a family dinner, and someone proudly announces their kid just got accepted to a top public university. The room lights up with congratulations, and everyone is talking about how excited they are at this major accomplishment. But you’re sitting there thinking about how colleges today have become more about political indoctrination than true education—how they train people to be good cogs in a machine, not good leaders, innovators, or entrepreneurs.

So you just take a sip of your drink and nod along.

Or maybe you’ve had a neighbor bring up the upcoming elections. They’re all fired up about this poll or that one, and you realize that they still believe that the system works—that our elections are free and fair, and that the media gives them the whole story.

I mean sure, we’ve always had differences of political and ideological thought as a society, but it’s not just about differing opinions anymore—it’s like we’re living in two completely different realities.

There’s one large chunk of the population that still trusts the system.

They believe that the news they watch is an accurate representation of the world. They send their kids to public schools, confident it’s the best way to prepare them for life. They trust that the food they buy is healthy and that the medicine they take is good for them.

They trust the experts.

And then there’s us.

Somewhere along the way (and it’s different for each of us), something happened that made us step back and question if things are really as they appear.

We know that the media is a mouthpiece for the government, shaping the narrative to fit their agenda. We’ve watched as schools have become little more than activist recruiting camps. We’ve learned that if we want to protect our families and raise kids who understand the truth, we have to take matters into our own hands.

It’s a bit like Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.

In the story, people are chained inside a cave and are only able to see shadows cast on the wall in front of them. They think the shadows are the real world because that’s all they’ve ever known.

But when one of them breaks free and steps outside the cave, they see the sun. They see the real world in all its color, brightness, and truth.

It’s disorienting at first, but once they’ve seen it, they can’t go back to believing in shadows.

Plato Allegory of the Cave

That’s kind of what it’s like for a lot of us.

A lot of people are still inside the cave, believing the shadows on the wall—the media, the schools, the systems and mechanisms they’ve always known. But those of us who’ve stepped outside know that the shadows aren’t real. We’ve seen the truth, and even though it’s not always comfortable, we can’t go back to believing the “reality” we left behind.

The challenge, of course, is that we’re all still living in the same world—those of us who’ve seen the light and those who still trust the shadows.

We share communities, workplaces, and even families.

It’s frustrating, but it also reminds us how important it is to equip our kids with the tools they need to see the world for what it truly is—not what the media, the schools, and the other captured institutions tell them it is.

We want them to be critical thinkers, to challenge the status quo, and to question everything. 

It’s no easy task, but it’s essential if we want them to thrive in a world that’s constantly trying to shape their beliefs and keep them slaves to the narrative.

One of the reasons our Tuttle Twins TV show has been so wildly successful is because there are a lot of families who have sensed that something isn’t quite right, but who haven’t yet had their eyes open to exactly what it is that has gone so terribly wrong.

They start watching our show because they trust that it’s going to be wholesome and not full of the same garbage ideas and nihilistic messaging that seems to have found its way into so much so-called “family” entertainment.

What they find is an eye-opening view of the world that fills them with a sense of renewed purpose, hope, and excitement at where we came from, and where we can go.

(I know, that’s a lot to get from a show that features a possibly-rabid raccoon as a main character, but trust me—it’s true!)

The animated adventures of Ethan and Emily, their kooky grandma and her (in)famous raccoon, Derek, make learning about economics, money, Marxism, capitalism, and the true history of the world so fun (and hilarious) that kids don’t even realize they’re getting an inoculation against the mainstream, cave-dweller perspective.

We’ve even created a graphic novel version of each episode of our show, so that kids can take their favorite characters and stories with them anywhere and share them with their friends.

And speaking of sharing with friends…

Right now, we’re giving all the families who purchase the Season Two box set of our Tuttle Twins TV graphic novels a free Season two DVD.

These hardback graphic novels, adapted from the second season of the Tuttle Twins TV show, take families on deep dives into the principles of freedom and liberty in a way that kids (and adults!) love.

(This promo runs through Monday, 9/23, so don’t wait!)

Plato was really on to something when he wrote his Allegory. I suspect he was envisioning a time a lot like ours.

Thankfully, we also live in a time when alternative news, education, and entertainment resources make it a lot less lonely for those just stumbling into the sunlight. We offer books, curriculum, videos, and a whole plethora of tools to help families learn how to thrive in a world that often seems dark, dreary, and even hopeless. 

With resources like ours, and active, engaged parents like you, our kids have every reason to hope for a bright and prosperous future!

Thanks for letting us tag along on your adventure! 

— Connor


Protect Your Kids Today

There are many subtle ways that socialist ideas are being introduced, taught, and reinforced directly to your children.

Our e-book walks through several examples to help raise your attention to this agenda so you can help your children avoid being indoctrinated to support the state.


(AGE 5-11)

Our American History Books + Curriculum





Hopefully Santa gives these out this year. Best gift to help counter the elementary school propaganda. #tuttletwins


When ur bedtime story teaches ur girl about the federal reserve & what a crock of crap it is. Vocab words: Medium of exchange & fiat currency. #tuttletwins for the win

Maribeth Cogan

“My just-turned-5 year old told me he is planning to read all the #TuttleTwins books today. It’s 10AM on Saturday and he’s already on his third. #Homeschooling ftw.”