Teach Your Kids the Principles of Liberty

The Tuttle Twins books are the only children’s books that present a vast array of free-market topics in a playful way. They teach relevant freedom-based concepts that most of us were never taught as kids. And parents, it’s not too late to fix your own education gaps—you can all learn together. Finally, your whole family can enjoy fun, engaging, freedom-based stories that counter the media narrative and political agendas.

When your child grasps the principles of freedom, entrepreneurship, and personal responsibility, they become unstoppable forces for good.

Ready to meet the Tuttle Twins?

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5 Star Reviews

“I think my kids now understand more about how the free market works than most of Congress… these books need to be read by everyone, ASAP!”

Marcos D., Illinois


The Tuttle Twins:

The Thought Provoking Book Series Read By Millions of Children

A unique series of beautiful, enjoyable books that use storytelling to introduce important economic, civic, and history principles to your child.

Mentor Your Children to Become Critical Thinkers

$137.88  $89.62 (35% off!)


CNN calls these kids books “Conservative Indoctrination” and
part of a “right-wing children’s entertainment complex.”
Parents who cherish freedom are pushing back by
teaching their kids the truth.


Are You Concerned That Schools Promote An Agenda That Will Reduce The Freedom And Individuality Of Your Children?

For generations, the government has asserted its power, printed a ton of new money, and restricted our rights. In the shifting landscape of the last few years, this has only ramped up. Our kids have had to adjust, and as parents, perhaps you have struggled to help them understand what’s happening in the world?

To make matters worse, the public school system, the mainstream media, and the entertainment industry aren’t helping. They are openly pushing socialism and “woke” ideas into the minds of our kids every day. It seems like they have become the enemy.

You want your children to learn about true history, sound money, personal freedom and responsibility, entrepreneurship, individual rights, and more.

But It Feels Like You Are Swimming Against the Tide,

as Your Kids Are Bombarded with Harmful Ideas from Teachers, Textbooks, and TikTok

Perhaps you have been looking to find quality curricula for your kids beyond just math, music, and science. Plus the bias, censoring, and dilution of truth that is taking over schools and the media is now irritating and angering you.

You’re likely burned out from having to worry about all of this. It has become a full time job just to keep your family on track and focused on what really matters.

Chances are you feel frustrated by the way twisted history and bad ideas are being pushed onto your kids, and you feel helpless in how to course correct.

The Truth Is… as a Parent, You May Feel as if You Are Not
Informed Enough to Teach Your Children These Ideas

Are you concerned you don’t have the knowledge or confidence to teach your kids about ideas of freedom and how they relate to their life? Hoping that, somehow, they will be curious enough to figure it out for themselves?

Do you want to find educational resources to teach your child true principles, but don't know where to look? It’s hard to know what's aligned with your values, and ideas, and even to know which messages you want to share with your family.

Are you afraid schools are promoting an agenda that will diminish the freedom and individuality of your children? Perhaps you’re feeling in the dark about what they are learning and concerned they will grow up to believe false ideas.

Do you question whether your kids will be interested in (or even understand) these real-world concepts? Perhaps you barely understand them yourself, and you wonder how to help your children become well rounded in learning these ideas.

Are you worried about your kids being ignorant or apathetic about the values you believe in? If you can’t guide them, your kids will absorb ideas and agendas from their peers and social media.

After all, you only have one shot at helping shape your children's worldview before the noise of today's society takes over. Fortunately, you are not alone. You no longer need to feel as though you have no voice. And you can let go worrying that your children are not receiving the quality of education that they deserve.

More Than Anything… You Simply Desire to Have a Healthy, Well-Rounded Family That Has Not Been Manipulated by Media and Government Agendas.

But it often feels like you are navigating an endless minefield to make this happen… right?
You have probably tried in the past to educate your kids on what’s happening in our world and struggled:

Your kids are sometimes left with more questions than answers, and you can’t bear the thought of them getting lost at sea in all the manipulation and power games playing out in the world.

What if the solution to this emerging education problem was simpler than you thought?

Be empowered as a parent to give your children a foundation of freedom—to understand the ideas of a free society that socialists and progressives are trying hard to undermine.

Principled. Independent. Intelligent.

14 Inspiring and Beautifully Illustrated Children’s Books

Educational stories that are entertaining and easy to understand

Engaging Storytelling About the Most Important Ideas of Our Time

Our books introduce the ideas of liberty to a new generation

Activities and Conversation Starters With Every Book

Encourage your kids to learn—and apply!—these new ideas

Based on Famous Books by Thought Leading Authors

Restore freedom of education and the values that make our society great

Easy to Understand Language for Kids About Big Ideas

Written for children age 5-11 to make the ideas of liberty easy to digest

Level up Your Own Education as You Share With Your Kids

Increase your own confidence by easily learning alongside your children

If you are looking for a structured and well-designed education supplement for your family to learn the principles of freedom and true history, you are in the right place.

$137.88  $89.62 (35% off!)

Equipping the Next Generation of Free Thinkers

What’s Inside
The Tuttle Twins Book Series?

There is no better way to teach your children about liberty than to read these books with them. They will learn how the world really works, including…

…and so much more!

Plus Activities to Bring the Learning to Life

Each of our books come with discussion questions at the end, helping you have amazing conversations with your children about these rich ideas. And as a bonus, we’re including our 14 PDF Activity Workbooks full of projects, worksheets, and more to help reinforce these new ideas in your child’s mind. We get emails daily from parents who are blown away at how much they learned alongside their children—and how their conversations over dinner have “leveled up” by talking about real-world concepts about what’s happening in the world.

$137.88  $89.62 (35% off!)

A Closer Look at What You Get In
The Tuttle Twins Book Series:

14 Children's Books That Teach the Principles of Freedom

What are Individual Rights?

In a fun adventure that involves pirates and plunder, Ethan and Emily learn about law, liberty, and limited government. Unlike any other book, this story helps children learn what individual rights are and how true laws help protect them from bad guys. This book is based on The Law by Frédéric Bastiat.

Why are Free Markets Important?

Ethan and Emily have taken for granted the many things they use: clothes, cars, homes, backpacks—even something as simple as a pencil. On their trip to an amazing factory, the twins learn about the miracle and importance of the free market. This book is based on I, Pencil by Leonard Read.

How Does Money Work?

The twins learn all about bartering, inflation, and money as they uncover the mystery of how a powerful creature is stealing their grandparents’ hard-earned savings, and how they can fight back to protect the money they make in their family business! This book is based on The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.

What is Protectionism?

Teaming up with their food truck friends, the twins discover laws that create unfair advantages and protectionist policies. Ethan and Emily learn about competition as they launch a campaign to win public support and overturn the bad regulations. This book is based on Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt.

Should the Collective Control Us?

Unintended consequences abound as the Tuttles uncover why the new Surfdom resort is causing their favorite beach to lose public interest. Uncle Ben joins the twins to help shine some light on the collectivist and central planning problems. This book is based on The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek.

Does the "Golden Rule" Work?

Summer camp turns into a heated rivalry between competing teams, but Chief Ron helps the twins and their teammates learn the dangers of aggression, revenge, and blowback—and why peace and friendship are important principles! This book is based on A Foreign Policy of Freedom by Ron Paul.

Why is Socialism so Harmful?

In a world filled with consumers, what happens if the producers give up and leave? And how can people better practice personal responsibility and not have a sense of entitlement about the things they think they deserve? Join Ethan and Emily to find out! This book is based on Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

Can a Child Be an Entrepreneur?

The twins recognize an opportunity and, with the support of family and friends, navigate the exciting and tiring world of entrepreneurship! Your kids will learn the ins and outs of becoming a business owner with this inspiring story! This book is based on Competition and Entrepreneurship by Israel Kirzner.

Persuasion vs. Coercion

In a world where dystopian fiction might seem too close to reality, Ethan and Emily learn that the fate of the future depends on thinking of ways we can work together peacefully, to build a better society without relying on coercion and the state. This book is based on Anatomy of the State by Murray Rothbard.

What is True Education?

After hearing award-winning teacher John Taylor Gatto discuss some problems with schooling and share a vision for how children are best educated, the Tuttle family decides to embark on a new learning adventure to discover true education. This book is based on The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto.

Why We Act the Way We Do

After making some money, the twins decide to loan it out to other kids like them in order to earn some interest—and in the process learn about risk, bailouts, subsidies, and what happens when their children’s market gets messed up. This book is based on Human Action by Ludwig von Mises.

Truth Overpowers Fear

Through a fun fantasy game, the twins learn how fear and ignorance lead to despots gaining power over us, and how the truth plays a pivotal role in defending our freedoms and helping other people succeed. This book is based on Crisis and Leviathan by Robert Higgs.

Be Your Best Self

With their Uncle Brock struggling to figure out how to build a successful life, the twins create a boot camp experience to whip him into shape with 12 rules he should practice for good living. This book is inspired by 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson.

Should We Reward Merit?

At the most unusual track meet they’ve ever seen, the twins face a new challenge: a competition where effort and ability take a backseat to identity and circumstances. This book is inspired by Marxism: Philosophy and Economics by Thomas Sowell.

Amid the ever-growing problems facing the next generation, true education has never been so important to defend. The Tuttle Twins books are a great way to instill a respect for the ideas of liberty in your children and help them understand the principles of a free society, before it's too late.

$137.88  $89.62 (35% off!)

Should the Collective Control Us?

The Tuttle Twins and the Road to Surfdom Unintended consequences abound as the Tuttles uncover why the new Surfdom resort is causing their favorite beach to lose public interest. Uncle Ben joins the twins to help shine some light on the collectivist and central planning problems. This book is based on The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek.

Does the "Golden Rule" Work?

The Tuttle Twins and the Golden Rule Summer camp turns into a heated rivalry between competing teams, but Chief Ron helps the twins and their teammates learn the dangers of aggression, revenge, and blowback—and why peace and friendship are important principles! This book is based on A Foreign Policy of Freedom by Ron Paul.

Why is Socialism so Harmful?

The Tuttle Twins and the Search for Atlas In a world filled with consumers, what happens if the producers give up and leave? And how can people better practice personal responsibility and not have a sense of entitlement about the things they think they deserve? Join Ethan and Emily to find out! This book is based on Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

Can a Child Be an Entrepreneur?

The Tuttle Twins and Their Spectacular Show Business The twins recognize an opportunity and, with the support of family and friends, navigate the exciting and tiring world of entrepreneurship! Your kids will learn the ins and outs of becoming a business owner in this inspiring installment in the series! This book is based on Competition and Entrepreneurship by Israel Kirzner.

Persuasion vs. Coercion

The Tuttle Twins and The Fate of the Future In a world where dystopian fiction might seem too close to reality, Ethan and Emily learn that the fate of the future depends on thinking of ways we can work together peacefully, to build a better society without relying on coercion and the state. This book is based on Anatomy of the State by Murray Rothbard.

What is True Education?

The Tuttle Twins and The Education Vacation After hearing award-winning teacher John Taylor Gatto discuss some problems with schooling and share a vision for how children are best educated, the Tuttle family decides to embark on a new learning adventure to discover true education. This book is based off The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto.

Why We Act the Way We Do

The Tuttle Twins and The Messed Up Market After making some money, the twins decide to loan it out to other kids like them in order to earn some interest—and in the process learn about risk, bailouts, subsidies, and what happens when their children’s market gets messed up. This book is based on Human Action by Ludwig von Mises.

Truth Overpowers Fear

The Tuttle Twins and The Leviathan Crisis Through a fun fantasy game, the twins learn how fear and ignorance lead to despots gaining power over us, and how the truth plays a pivotal role in defending our freedoms and helping other people succeed. This book is based on Crisis and Leviathan by Robert Higgs.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

The Tuttle Twins and the 12 Rules Boot Camp Life doesn’t come with a manual, but there are some helpful rules that one can follow in their life to be set up for success. That’s something that the Tuttle twins have been taught by their parents— and something they teach to their Uncle Brock in their new adventure. This book is based on lorem ipsum dolor sit amet eret

The Real Gold of Bringing the Tuttle Twins Into Your World Is the Unique Family Time the Books and Workbooks Create

You can read these 14 beautiful and educational books to your kids, or they can simply read them themselves. But you can boost the experience and learning for the whole family by spending time going through the workbooks together.

Each of our children’s books has an accompanying PDF workbook and an optional parent guide.

After these educational sessions your kids will have the vocabulary to ask questions that lead to inspiring conversations. And with this new perspective, they will be encouraged to learn even more, ask bigger questions, and even take action—like writing to an elected official or starting a small business.

Includes All 14 Workbook PDFs Free

These Are More Than Just Children’s Books

The Tuttle Twins Series Has the Power to Change Your Life and the Lives of Your Children

These books will provide your kids with a solid foundation in civics, history and economics that they can build upon for the rest of their lives. Our books make it fun and easy to teach them (and yourself) the core principles of a free society.

We believe that knowledge is power. These books instill knowledge, foster understanding, and encourage critical thinking. You will love the approachable style and enjoy the facts, insights, and guidance you won’t find anywhere else.

Teaching Your Kids About Liberty Is Like 1-2-3

Parenting today has enough demands as it is—the Tuttle Twins book series is an effective way for busy parents to raise well-rounded critical thinkers.

What Is the Price of True Freedom? ​

For less than the price of one session with a private tutor, you can establish a foundation of values for your whole family, and give them a lifetime of knowledge, skills, and advantage in the world. So instead of simply absorbing media and political agendas, they can withstand them, evaluate them, and be skeptical about what they hear—because they were taught well at home.

Our books and activities teach things like the basics of money and personal responsibility with a fun, simple approach. In each book we explore ideas from the greatest minds in history. As you read along with your child, you can start a lifelong learning experience that will cultivate confidence and critical thinking.

The Tuttle Twins Books Are Here Just in Time

The Tuttle Twins Books are some of the most influential children’s books of our time. The future of our freedom is at stake, and now is the time to act.

All 14 Tuttle Twins Books

The Tuttle Twins Learn About the Law
The Tuttle Twins and the Miraculous Pencil
The Tuttle Twins and the Creature from Jekyll Island
The Tuttle Twins and the Food Truck Fiasco
The Tuttle Twins and the Road to Surfdom
The Tuttle Twins and the Golden Rule
The Tuttle Twins and the Search for Atlas
The Tuttle Twins and their Spectacular Show Business
The Tuttle Twins and the Fate of the Future
The Tuttle Twins and the Education Vacation
The Tuttle Twins and the Messed Up Market
The Tuttle Twins and the Leviathan Crisis
The Tuttle Twins and the 12 Rules Boot Camp
Medals of Merit
The Tuttle Twins and the Medals of Merit

Limited-Time Sale

35% OFF discount

$137.88  $89.62 (35% off!)

The “Freedom Lovers” Guarantee

We are serious about helping your family’s education and the future of freedom in our society.

To us the most important thing is that you have the tools to share your values with your children—especially in a world full of people who want to influence your kids in a different direction.

If for any reason you don’t enjoy The Tuttle Twins or believe we haven’t contributed to your family positively, we will refund your money in full. We have a 100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee. Just drop us a line within 30 days of your purchase.

You’ve got nothing at all to lose. So give your children a foundation of freedom today!

$137.88  $89.62 (35% off!)

Remember, You’re Not Alone in This Fight…

Join Hundreds of Thousands of Families
Rising up and Taking Charge of Their Future

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"I really like Tuttle twins because it explains things that I hear my parents talk a lot about like inflation and freedom of speech and so I really like being able to learn about what they're talking about so that I can have conversations with them."
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"So we bought the Tuttle Twins America's history book set when it went on sale for Columbus Day and we have really, really loved it. We're about halfway through the first book. We read a chapter a week together as part of our school curriculum. And then we talk about the historical event and we do some discussion questions and it's just been really enriching and good for our homeschool!"
Meet The Author of Tuttle Twins

Hi, I'm Connor Boyack

Public Speaker, Author of Dozens of Books, and Illegal Beekeeper (Yeah, That’s a Thing…)

I’m the founder and president of Libertas Institute, a free market think tank where we change laws to protect our rights. I have had dozens of legislative victories spanning a wide range of areas such as privacy, government transparency, property rights, entrepreneurship, education, personal freedom, and more.

When we started selling these books, I wasn’t sure if there would be demand. We made them as a labor of love—because we believe in these ideas so strongly.

But I quickly learned that there were many parents out there who shared our values and our concerns about the world—and who were desperate to find material like this to teach their children about why freedom is so important.

And today, millions of children are reading the Tuttle Twins books, learning the dangers of socialism, the benefits of freedom, the importance of entrepreneurship, and more!

Each day I hear from families who have newly discovered these materials, expressing their gratitude. Sometimes they’re even upset… that they didn’t find the books years ago!

So it’s never been a better time to welcome the Tuttle Twins into your world. I personally thank you for educating your family on these important freedoms, and have a great risk free offer for you.

In liberty,


$137.88  $89.62 (35% off!)

The Cost of NOT Getting These Books is Worth Considering

There’s a high cost to our society when these ideas aren’t taught to children. Why? Because our kids become voters.

Ignorant voters support laws that restrict our rights and hurt businesses. Even worse, they miss out on valuable principles that improve their life.

The current political and economic climate is coming to a critical tipping point, and socialism’s popularity is on the rise. You need to educate your children now about these ideas of freedom, because they need to learn how to recognize when they are under attack by teachers, media personalities, and politicians in the coming years.

$137.88  $89.62 (35% off!)

It’s Time to Navigate the Complexities of School, Media and Society With Your Children, Before It’s Too Late.

As a parent, you now have a resource that can not only walk you through the minefield that your child will face in the next few years, but can also give you solutions, ideas, and activities on how to teach your kids how the world works.

Those who don’t learn from the past are condemned to repeat it. Don’t let your children become indoctrinated by the media and other voices that want to spread socialism and encourage victimhood.

Help your children recognize the truth and learn to think for themselves.

$137.88  $89.62 (35% off!)

Frequently Asked Questions From Our Readers

The Tuttle Twins Series is a gold mine of information and will educate you on any gaps in your education at the same time you are reading with your kids. No need to understand anything, just your interest and curiosity to learn the truth as a family will set you up for success.

Without the Tuttle Twins books, teaching your kids could take many years if you are lucky enough to have the right conversations at the right times and then even know what to share. With the Tuttle Twins Series you can set up a study program that suits your family and study patterns. Moving through all 12 books at a pace that is empowering and inspiring.

The Activity Workbooks are digital PDF files that you will be able to download after purchasing. A link will be provided on the “Thank You” page after ordering, as well as in your confirmation email you receive.

We create these as digital items since parents often want different children to do the same exercise; a printed workbook would be “single use” and thus cost more, so allowing parents to print these is the more affordable and reasonable option. We hope you enjoy and that these Activity Workbooks help your kids better learn and continue thinking about the ideas of free society!

All thirteen titles:

The Tuttle Twins Learn About the Law
The Tuttle Twins and the Miraculous Pencil
The Tuttle Twins and the Creature from Jekyll Island
The Tuttle Twins and the Food Truck Fiasco
The Tuttle Twins and the Road to Surfdom
The Tuttle Twins and the Golden Rule
The Tuttle Twins and the Search for Atlas
The Tuttle Twins and their Spectacular Show Business
The Tuttle Twins and the Fate of the Future
The Tuttle Twins and the Education Vacation
The Tuttle Twins and the Messed Up Market
The Tuttle Twins and the Leviathan Crisis
The Tuttle Twins and the 12 Rules Boot Camp

Easy to understand language for kids. Written for children aged 5-11 to make the ideas of liberty easy to digest.

The Tuttle family, upon which our series is based, is caucasian.

However, the books are filled with guests and recurring characters of various ethnicities, reflecting the beautiful blend that makes our world great!

You can see some examples of these characters in this Instagram post we did.

Each of our children’s books is based on an original book or essay—we take classic content and turn it into something accessible for a child. The first book we did is based on The Law, an essay written in 1850 by a French economist named Frédéric Bastiat. In this essay, Bastiat argues that God is the source of our rights. (A popular opinion at the time, of course.) As such, our book explains the same thing, since we stick with what the original author talked about. Not all families agree with this, of course—so the secular families reading our books simply take the opportunity to explain that while this is a popular perspective, it’s not one that they share.

And that’s fine!

But this is the only book in the children’s series that contains any religious reference; the remaining books—see the list here—have no religious content of any kind.

Of course. There is a sample page from each book in the images section on each book’s product page. Reminder that all books come with a guarantee that entitles you to a full refund if you feel there is no value for your family once you receive the books

Worried that you’re not sure you’ll love our books? No problem! The risk is all on our end. We provide a no-questions-asked guarantee on the books, should you disagree with the content or find that they’re not a fit for your family.

It’s that easy. Just shoot us an email to get started.

Please note: this refund does not apply to orders where the customer added the wrong item or an undesired quantity of books to their order. We are happy to provide refunds for these books, but the customer is required to mail them back to us at the customer’s cost.

We’re so glad you’re interested in the Tuttle Twins books!

We ship all orders via USPS (even though we’d prefer it be privatized… for a fun research project, read about when Lysander Spooner tried to compete with the postal service because he hated their monopoly!)

During checkout, you get two options: Priority Mail and Media Mail. Priority Mail typically takes 2-3 business days to arrive once we drop it off at the post office.

Media Mail is a cheaper option designed for sending books. You’ll save some money, but note that this takes 6-10 business days on average.

Please keep in mind that the USPS often has periods where they are slower to process packages, and we are at their mercy to simply wait for the order to be sent to you!

Once your order ships, you will receive an email from with your tracking link which you can use to monitor the shipment progress.

$137.88  $89.62 (35% off!)

Teach Your Children HOW to Think, Not What to Think

The Tuttle Twins books are the only children’s books that present a vast array of free-market topics in a playful way. They teach relevant freedom-based concepts that most of us were never taught as kids. And parents, it’s not too late to fix your own education gaps—you can all learn together.

$137.88  $89.62 (35% off!)